Steve Outing
2p3 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0
15 years ago @ MediaSavvy - Bye bye, Bing? · 0 replies · +1 points
16 years ago @ Steve Outing - Time to give up and re... · 0 replies · +1 points
Some of the Newspaper Next 2.0 recommendations -- especially its call for transformation of newspapers into local information and connection utilities -- are pretty far-reaching and not just incremental. My sense is that there's resistance among mainstream publishers to that. I fail to see why the newspaper industry has not taken some bold chances. Perhaps they need to get yet more desperate before that'll happen? How many more layoffs will it take?
16 years ago @ Steve Outing - Introducing · 1 reply · +1 points
Soon we'll be introducing a young woman as the Lexi character, so you'll hear her voice periodically, and she'll get added to the site. And of course we hope that the participatory nature of the strip and website (and social network components) will attract lots of girls.
Actually, there is precedent for comic creator "oddities" like this. The comic strip Luann, for example, is by a man. Girls & Sports is by 2 men. A few years ago I rented an office and my next-door neighbor was a guy in his late 20s who was doing a comic strip about seniors. Seems to be a long comics tradition. 8^)
As techGRL progresses, we hope to do some stuff that will encourage girls to become more interested in and skilled at technology. That conference sounds great.