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12 years ago @ http://countercurrents... - “Soft Repression... · 0 replies · +1 points

It is unfortunate, but Ms Kinney and people like her will never be elected to office or allowed to influence affairs. The holders of power and money will not willingly give them up. In any event the system is too cumbersome and slow to respond to the emergency of our multiple crises. Instead we may consider a tech solution, like Google or Facebook, which have inadvertently changed thinking and behavior in a short time without seeming to. Stealth is called for. Revolution by underthrow.

Such an alternative is a value index, sort of a global GDP, which incrementally and unobtrusively, would supplant money, replacing profit-making with value creation. An index is a measure, like a ruler, allowing us to manage the economy without the corrupting and distorting effect of fungible units which can be controlled and manipulated. The real economy is people, their relationships to each other and to the environment.

13 years ago @ http://countercurrents... - A Mindful Path To A St... · 1 reply · +2 points

Great post but regrettably not applicable widely enough to change anything but a few individual lives. Greed, and ultimately the fear from which it arises will persist. Only a change of economic system such as a non-monetary value-based index will bring about a steady state at a lower level of consumption among the profligate and oblivious. Trying to outline such a system at http://netplanetaryvalue.wordpress.com/