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13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Today's Open Thread: #... · 0 replies · +1 points

Someone mentioned remake...there was one. It sucked bad. They tried to make it look like every other show out there, instead of emulating the best of the 1970's show....the STORY.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Appeals Court Upholds ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Don't think that just because the prosecutor has a "Captain" in her title, that makes her a typical military officer. JAGS (lawyers in the military) go through a two week orientation to learn how to salute, and then are given a commission. You get the same arrogant SOBS who just want prosecutions for the sake of a "good record" of convictions, whether or not it is justice. What I don't understand is the appeals court decision, but I haven't read all the way through all the documents.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Oops! Official Secret ... · 0 replies · +7 points

this is why elections have consequences. Supreme Court nominees, Fed. Court nominees, and yes, life time civil service employees. That person will still be with the secret service years after Obama is gone, still doing damage without anyone knowing it. (unless they use twitter again).

13 years ago @ Big Government - Did Rep. Billy Long Bl... · 2 replies · +4 points

If Long is not going to answer the question, then just SAY IT. Don't hide behind a "district press" statement which is the worst excuse I've ever heard. So if FOX News, CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC, O'Reilly, Hannity, Rush, on and on say they want Mr. Long to appear for another topic on one of their shows, are you telling me he will turn them ALL down because he is "focused" on district press.

Just freaking say that you misspoke, or you've figured out that you can put your hard earned business in a blind trust, and you appreciate the fact that voters got you in. Stop running from questions, it makes you look soft.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Trump vs. Obama: Accom... · 0 replies · +1 points

He's going to run, and he's going to win. I call it out here first. All the "he's not serious" talk I think just helps him. He's said it many times, if he does something, he wins. That is exactly what we need.

And to all the talk about how self-absorbed he is....what do we have now? At least Trump has created thousands of jobs. Not to mention ANYONE running for the presidency has to have a chip on their shoulder. The thing fighter pilots need to have. Reagan was trying to get to the presidency for years. Nixon lost in 60 and ran again in 68. You have to have some b#lls to run for president.

He has no advantage to putting himself out there, financial disclosures and leaving the head of his company. I think he's serious. He can and will win.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Trump vs. Obama: Accom... · 0 replies · +1 points

Clinton talked to people like a parent talking to his children. Remember wagging his finger, denying he had sexual contact? He wagged his finger ALOT on the podium.

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Trump Will ‘Probably... · 0 replies · +1 points

Listen to Trump. That was the one line everyone picked up on, but he followed it with being "very concerned" about splitting the vote if it happened, and he would only do it if the polls showed he could actually win. He won't do it if he's got 19% of the vote going in. He even said, he does things to win.

That last statement makes him popular. But further, did you LISTEN to how he answered questions he doesn't like?? He said, "that's a stupid question" and you know it. What else do you have for me? BOOM. THAT is WHY people like this guy. I don't care who he's contributed to before, I don't think that makes him a RINO. He's a millionaire or billionaire business man. Microsoft gives to Republicans and Dems, because they want some kind of insurance on influence. Like it or not, that's what the system demands. People like him because he's not running from that either, he just says, "I'm in business, that's what you have to do." That's playing real hard ball, and he would treat foreign countries in the same way. Like someone who demands respect, or you no getty our money and soldiers.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - The Stewart/Colbert Sh... · 0 replies · +7 points

saw that aerial photo. nice job. i thought the age and non-diversity of the crowd really said what this was all about.

14 years ago @ Big Government - Politics, Not Science,... · 0 replies · +2 points

Rush seems to be taken with the "nature took care of it" way of thinking about the oil spill, but right away I thought something was up. I was surprised he of all people didn't see the angle that was being played. It is the mainstream media's goal to ensure this is not "Obama's Katrina". By making the oil spill no big deal, then it's not a disaster, thus it's no big deal how Obama handled it.