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7 years ago @ Tea Party Tribune - Te... - All HELL Breaks Loose ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Why is this not on national news? ...and why am I just finding out now almost 15 days after it was posted?

11 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Appointment Shows Obam... · 0 replies · 0 points

Correct me if I'm wrong...but_But you can't charge Snowden with anything unless you go back and indict every president since Harry Truman...you see the NSA was never authorized by Congress...it's entirely an illegal opperation started by Harry S Truman...all the presidents that followed Truman never did anything about it...it's still illegal...isn't it?_Ref: "Edward Snowden has done more damage to United States national security than any leaker or spy for well over a half century."_What's this a joke? Obama has done more damge to the United States than all the leakers in history...and all the people that have damged the United States combined!

12 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - The Responsibility of ... · 0 replies · +1 points

The government has no business in the charity business. Period! If the government was run by angels I would say differently...but because the government is so corrupt that any involvement with the poor and downtrodden always makes some bureaucrat rich. Charities were once very effective until the government took over and now those that really need help rarely get the assistance they most urgently need. An example of a once efficient charity was the Catholic Charities Appeal where over ninety-cents of every dollar went to help those in need. With the government running similar programs there is so much waste, fraud, and abuse that those in need are lucky to get a penny for every dollar that the government steals from the people.

13 years ago @ Coach is Right - Bin Laden kill movie s... · 0 replies · +1 points

Obama did not get bin Laden... see: http://normanhooben.blogspot.com/2011/12/we-were-... and see Benazir Bhutto video here http://normanhooben.blogspot.com/2011/10/gaddafi-...

13 years ago @ Godfather Politics - The Mayflower Compact:... · 0 replies · +1 points

My great, great, (forgot how many greats) grandfather came along at a later date nevertheless he was a notable person in the scheme of things...he was the architect of the White House, James A. Hoban. I think he just turned over in his grave knowing who are the current occupants.

13 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Welcome, Big Sis! · 0 replies · +2 points

Thanks Ed and Vinnie...
Ed...I'm not absolutely sure of myself but I believe the chips are really down...really, really down and the current administration is not 'trying' to ram things down our throats...they ARE ramming things down our throats with impunity. The American people have been challenged !!! ...as Vinnie says, "I'm game." And I'm sure many of us are game to rid this scourge from our country...and like most people I'm not willing to do it alone but promise me that a million people will stand behind me and I'll be the first to lead...the administration knows that we are not united enough to put a stop to their dictates and they will continue to trash us because we don't have the will power as a group to stop them...Where there is 'will', there is a way...so lets get united time is running out. ~ also a Christian Patriot !

Vinnie, I count two...you and me... I think we will need at least as many are depicted in the "Get out, get out" picture I posted here (bottom of post): http://normanhooben.blogspot.com/2011/06/ronald-r...