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14 years ago @ The Write One Blog - How do I choose a name... · 1 reply · +1 points

I think naming my characters is probably my favorite part of the pre-writing process. :) I always do some research and see the meanings of each name to make sure they fit the character. For "The Painter", the serial story I'm writing on a blog, the main character's name is Ella McCormack. Ella means "beautiful fairy" which inspires a scene later on in the story. There is also the mysterious painter whose name will be revealed in part two. :) It has major significance with his personality.

I have a huge list of names in a notebook and their meanings. You never know when you might need them. Their names reflect who they are and that is important.

14 years ago @ The Write One Blog - Book review for Market... · 0 replies · +1 points

It was a pleasure to review your book, Stefanie! :) I think it's packed with great tips for writers to know.

14 years ago @ The Write One Blog - 6 Ways To Deal With Wr... · 1 reply · +1 points

Just when I was about to pull my hair out from frustration, I came across this post! :) It's a good thing because I do like my

Sometimes, we do let frustration and writer's block get the best of us. I have learned to just take a few deep breaths and go with the flow. I definitely do tip #2. I think I have several writing notebooks floating around my room haha.

14 years ago @ The Write One Blog - Book Marketing On Twit... · 0 replies · +1 points

You're following me via The Write One Blog twitter.

14 years ago @ The Write One Blog - Book Marketing On Twit... · 1 reply · +1 points

I love twitter. It's such a great and fun way to help market yourself. I love connecting with people who I may not really meet in real life, but yet, there they are. To be able to share what you have to say and connect with others is fun for me. :)

Great tips! Sometimes, I do let twitter take up a lot of my time haha. You have to be careful on that site sometimes. :)

14 years ago @ The Write One Blog - The Traditional Publis... · 0 replies · +1 points

It's called The Undeveloped Story. I've had that one for about three months now.

14 years ago @ The Write One Blog - The Traditional Publis... · 1 reply · +1 points

Well, once I'm finished with all the re-writing, I'll be ready. I do learn new things about publishing every day but reading publishing guidelines is crucial, so I definitely agree with you. That's just showing the publisher respect.

I'm really working on building my "following" and online presence more and more each day. I know that from my blog, people have already asked to read my book. I'm dedicated towards my characters and what my book is about. Within time, people will read it and feel for those characters as much as I do. :)

14 years ago @ The Write One Blog - Book Marketing Basics ... · 1 reply · +1 points

It's so important for people to not forget those who got them where they are. I always thank those who leave me nice comments and visit their blogs to see what they're up to. In order to get support, you should also show support. That's kind of my motto these days. Once I finish my book, I'm sure my supporters I have now won't forget me because I have established that kind of relationship with them.

14 years ago @ The Write One Blog - Understanding the impo... · 1 reply · +1 points

Personally, I think of it more as an opportunity to get your name out there. If someone can view samples of your work and get to know you, there is more of a chance they will buy what you have to sell. Something I've always been told is "people are picky." They know what they like and sometimes you have to win them over somehow.

14 years ago @ The Write One Blog - How I Came To Self-Pub... · 1 reply · +1 points

I've been working on my manuscript for a few months now and I'm at a point where I'm looking at all of my publishing options. I'm open to whatever works out the best. I've had quite a few blogger friends who have self-published and loved it. Then, there are the others who have agents. I'm sure when the time comes for me, I'll make the best decision. :) Thanks for the information!

I also think having a blog helps promote what you're writing. You can gain a following and get your name out there. So, it definitely helps.