Steve Farnsworth

Steve Farnsworth


3 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ - Trust your Klout score... · 1 reply · +3 points

The account is not an isolated example, and it does not appear to be intentionally trying to game the Klout system. It's just doing what it was designed to do: send out massive amounts of spam @ replies promoting products to anyone who mentions Justin Bieber in a tweet.

This is just one example that is easy to identify. For me, that shows a significant flaw in the entire methodology, and that all Klout scores are questionable at best.

I understand what you are saying, but I don’t grasp how you get the conclusion that Klout scoring is fine, but the Bieber account is to blame for the seriously misguided score that Klout has given it.

The account spews out a stream of useless tweets, follows no one, is not a human, yet archive a significantly high Klout rating. To me saying that this instance is an exception and Klout is still trust worthy, and I am not trying to be snarky, is like saying the patient died, but the operation was a success.

14 years ago @ - Trust your Klout score... · 3 replies · +1 points

The Twitter account is not a human being, but a Twitter spam bot. The Follow to Follower ratio and high tweet count, again from a spam bot, achieves a very high Klout score. If an automated account can have such a significantly high score, what value is anyone's Klout score?

14 years ago @ - So Let's Not Print Twi... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hey James,
Thanks for the acknowledgment of the Tweet, and I deeply appreciate the link to my blog. Very cool. Have a great week!