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12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Mobile - Malaysia - Ma... · 0 replies · +4 points

Reading between the lines, this is another survey that is carefully configured to collaborate with the preset conclusions of the govt. It is nothing but a propaganda piece. Huh, Y-generation "highly optimistic of the country achieving its 2020 Vision"??? Also this nonsense "84 per cent viewed favourably the 1 Malaysia concept" (really???). Malaysians are proud of Proton, hahahaha, must be dreaming (Malaysians are more embarrassed than proud of Proton, especially every time the window refuses to go up). Has Proton ever won any major rally in the world? Paying high price for below average car quality CANNOT make one proud. Reading between the lines, it is all propaganda lah.

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Mobile - Business - Fo... · 1 reply · +3 points

Why not in Malaysia?
I suppose Malaysia is not attractive enough, in view of.....
i) low quality graduates
ii) higher labour cost
iii) can't speak English
iv) can't speak Chinese
v) NEP, corruption
vi) crime
vii) flip flopping economic policies, etc
However, don't worry, we are going to replace those in Putrajaya soon.

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - PKR ... · 0 replies · +56 points

How come there is no investigation (much less regarding court charges) about Scorpene commissions? How come there is no investigation regarding Peremika and Terasasi? Or the treason of selling defence document? How come there is no investigation on how C4 explosive was obtained and used in blowing up the Mongolian? How come there is no investigation on the almost a trillion ringgit parked overseas? How come there was no investigation regarding forex trading using rakyat's money? ....dan lain lain.
Why investigate and charge Rafizi who was merely exposing wrong doings of the corrupts?
MACC and PDRM, ever wonder why the public has no confident in you?
Najib, ever wonder why the public don't want you to be PM?
UMNO, ever wonder why you are losing public support?
Where is the trust? Integrity? Justice? you are supposed to uphold?

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - Petr... · 1 reply · 0 points

Just a huge waste of money that could be better spent in helping the needy.
This is just feeding the ego of Dr M and pretending Malaysia has the music culture that it really has not. Where are the grooming of young talented musicians in the country? Everyone is left to his own, with no support from any governmental organisation in the form of scholarship to further upgrade their skill and talent. Is there any world class musician being produced in Malaysia? Are budding talents spotted and nurtured?
How many performances by the MPO per year? How many people attended?
Isn't it better to encourage and promote our local traditional music and bring it up to world standard---such as pantun contests, pantun reading, etc. It is also way cheaper than trying to ape the West. It is also way cheaper to invite Western orchestra to perform here rather than to maintain an orchestra of our own.

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Food - Ready, s... · 0 replies · +17 points

Aiyah, this is ten times better than Mcdonald. Wonder why people want to waste their money eating something less good than all these delicious food we have in Malaysia... Don't you see all those oversize Mat Salleh gouging on Big Mac, they are more obese lah, more sakit jantung lah, more darah tinggi, dan lain lain lagi..... Give me Malaysian food anytime... so much better.

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - Dr M... · 0 replies · +44 points

This is so funny. When Mahathir says this, it is like North Korean Kim Ii-Sung saying: "Prove me a dictator".... or Mubarak or Gardafi saying the same thing. It is so obvious that these rulers and him are dictators yet they denied it. Let me enlighten him...
When a leader cannot be questioned or challenged on policy matter, he is a dictator.
When threats are part and parcel of his vocabulary, he is a dictator.
When he uses and abuses the national treasury as if it is his own, he is a dictator.
When he dishes out govt contracts to whomever he wishes, he is a dictator.
When he shuts up his opponents by throwing them into jail or detention, he is a dictator.
When he brings accusation and charges on detractors and let his own supporters off the hook in spite of obvious corruption, he is a dictator.
When he dictates that Petronas must use its funds to do his wishes, he is a dictator.
When he does mistakes and refuse to be accountable, he is a dictator.
When he abuses his power and is not held accountable, he is a dictator.
When he has absolute control over the media and does not allow the opposition freedom of speech, he is a dictator.
When he is accountable to no one, not even Parliament, he is a dictator.
When he selectively prosecute his opponents at the drop of hat, he is a dictator.
When he gambles in forex trade using rakyat's money, he is a dictator.
When he practices racism against his own people (Malaysians) through divisive policies, he is a dictator.
When he does not permit freedom of speech and freedom of association, he is a dictator.
When he gerrymanders, cheats and rigs polling results, he is a dictator.
When he is absolutely corrupts and refuses to be accountable, he is a dictator.
.... and on and on (too many) but enough.
Have you Dr M, not done all these and more???
You were an obvious dictator and yet you are trying to pretend you are not.
Go fly kites. Pordah!

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Side Views - Sm... · 0 replies · +6 points

The trouble with Umno/BN ministers is they can say the most stupid things and yet implement them as policies. Who suffer, we the people who have to put up with their nonsense. Have they no shame at all? Have they no intellect? How often have we heard the response: "my five year old can do better" or "even my kinds know better". Yet, these MINISTERS have skin thicker than a rhino, because they keep coming up with more silly policies/directives/rules/guidelines/advice/etc Examples: Home Minister says: Crime rate and public safety is a perception. DPM says: We must unite as Malaysians, but I am Malay first and Malaysian last. Information Minister say: We can broadcast opposition manifesto but only if it is news worthy. PM says: We must get rid of corruption but then he goes round telling voters, I help you, you help me........ Tak malu ker? Or just shere incompetence!!!!

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - CJ: ... · 0 replies · +37 points

You want respect for the Judges? Ok, very easy, start with the appointment of Judges---take away the PM prerogative and transfer it to a panel of highly respected upright citizens of impeccable characters. Pass laws to ensure the absolute independence of the Judiciary, free from interference from the Executive branch of govt. Clear up all backlog of cases to ensure justice is done speedily and not delayed for years and decades. Do this and maybe the public will have more respect for our Judicial system. Can you?

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - War ... · 1 reply · +86 points

CSL talks with forked tongue, like a snake. Chinese are not the poorest in the country---what has that got to do with being treated fairly and justly? Take the scholarship issue, it is an annual affair that poor Chinese are being deprived of scholarship even though they have stellar results. Take the NEP issue, they worked hard to build their businesses, some fail and some succeed. Those that succeed, they don't even give 10% to their brothers or friends, why should they give 30% to Bumis? Take the APs, why is the APs used to out maneuver established Chinese automotive businesses? Take the transport issue, why are many Chinese bus companies forced to close shop and not given licences? C'mon, CSL are you blind or are you stupid?

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - Dr M... · 0 replies · +31 points

Any sane person would reject Umno's corruption and stealing of rakyat's money (how did your son get to be so rich?) Buying submarines also must pay RM400 to RM500 millions commission into someone's pocket.
Any sane person would reject racial politics of Umno as everyone, regardless of race, is a Malaysian. Only insane people like yourself would poison the minds of civil servants with the teachings of BTN.
Nik Aziz is more decent than you or any of the Umno's leaders. At least, he doesn't steal rakyat's money or threathen rakyat with another May 13.