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12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video: Actor Compares ... · 0 replies · +10 points

Under the failure and tedium of this failed so-called president, We The People of America need a little R+R, you know, Romney and Ryan.

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - An Open Letter To Comm... · 0 replies · +1 points

Because this woman is Iranian born and obama has "strong muslim ties" and she has obama's ear, wouldn't the obvious question be: Just who's side is this unvetted, unknown president on? If not Ours, much damage can be done by him and after the election, if reelected, We are screwed. The only good that could come out of this is that nancy blinking pelosi would have to wear those muslim clothes that completely cover her body.

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video: Newt Gingrich N... · 1 reply · +11 points

Ya mess with the Newt and ya get the boot. CNN is an extension of the obama administration and instead of defending truth and Our freedoms, they have become the former Soviet Union's PRAVDA. There can be nothing good about a media outlet that slants the news to fool the People and destroy the dignity of Our Country.

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video: The Scandal Tha... · 0 replies · +14 points

The obama administration, people like harry reid and nancy blinking pelosi are the leaders of that swamp in Washington DC. Our Nations Capitol is just reeking of filth and corruption. The very reason that this Manchurian Candidate is in our White House is because our Senate and Our Congress is heavy laden with corrupt bought and paid for politicians and obama knows who they are. The remedy is to completely drain that cess pool and vett our candidates from their birth to their present and watch every move they make when they represent us.

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Congress Proves Obama ... · 0 replies · +10 points

In order for We American's to hold our rightful place as stewards of Our Constitution and Our rights as a free and sovereign Nation, we must remove the weak links (those who are doing nothing about obama's corruption) among our elected servants. All who are elected are only to serve We Americans and only Our Constitution. If those elected into higher office can not serve their Country, remove them by impeachment, recall and the ballot box. Because of the very corrupt nature of this administration and even their reputation at Our voting places, we must insure equal protection at every single voting place in America. Be very watchful for thugs, union interference, and dead voters who come to life during election time. Observe and report any suspicious activities at the polls.

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video: Obama: People S... · 0 replies · +3 points

Joanneo, well said. For years We have said "the Government this, or the Government that" so often that we have seperated We The People from our elected servants and have elevated them to the ranks of authority over Us. In the Preamble to Our Constitution, it starts with "We The People" yet we have become lax and lazy and have ceded Our power to them. In order to return America to Her rightful place under our Constitution, it is necessary to replace all those who were in office while Our Great Nation was pilaged and degraded these past three and a half years. We can use venues like this Internet to keep each other informed and up to date on who is suited and trusted to overlook the affairs of Our elected positions by proper vetting. We can not accept the news media's choices for these offices because they are from a preselected pool of candidates who were groomed by the people who own and control them. I would say that we need the prices of '36' and the spirit of "76". We need to rally the true Son's and Daughter's of Liberty and restore America starting this November.

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video: Obama: People S... · 2 replies · +13 points

This information about obama is very easy to understand. I believe that he was fast tracked into our Nations Highest Office by high ranking people on the left, who plan to disarm us and make America just another State in a one world government. We on the right who are Constitutional Patriots, must not allow this extreme move to occur under any circumstances. We are at a critical juncture in our Nations History as to whether we remain a free and sovereign People or become just another state in a contrived new world plan. We still have the powers of impeachment, recall, petition,assembly and the ballot box. WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE GOVERNMENT and we must choose our candidates wisely in order to keep Our Nation Sovereign and Free.

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Why Obama-Backed UN Tr... · 0 replies · +8 points

Make sure this bill dies in congress and let our congress know that they work for us and not the UN. It is time to petition on a National level to GET US OUT OF THE UN AND GET THE UN OUT OF NEW YORK! They are attempting to make America just another state in a new world government to prevent Us from staying FOREVER SOVEREIGN, FOREVER FREE!

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Arpaio’s Obama Probe... · 1 reply · +4 points

We need to pay close attention to those elected Congressmen and women and US Senators who do nothing to at least investigate the possibilities that this information by the Sheriff is legitimate. If nothing is done, We can rightfully suspect that there is a cover up and our entire government elect are part of a plan to take full control of Us. If there is no move by our elected body of government to investigate this matter, it will be necessary to vote out all who now serve in government. The corporate owned media will continue to replace these crooks with new crooks until We finally get together to choose our own candidates from outside the press, who, by the way, slant the news in favor of their corporate owned candidates.

12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video: Proof That Terr... · 0 replies · +1 points

ALL of our elected politicians are privy to this information and since our do nothing Congress, Senate and Judicial system are aware of this, We should be alarmed! There is obvious signs that Our present sitting government is planning to control US! We see the signs on a daily basis that there are all kinds of moves taking place behind the scense to creat a huge social change and the players are within our government. Why would any government supply military grade weapons such as machine guns and AK"s, grenade launchers and grenades into the hands of drug cartel killers on our weak southern border? Why don't we put the military on Our border to insure the safety of America? Why is obama and holder preventing Us from defending our border, Our individual states laws and all laws that pertain to those entering Our Country illegally? Why is hillary working with the UN to remove our guns? Why don't we vote out, impeach, recall ALL those presently in office to include our supreme court to insure that we remove those who are doing this to America?!! Why don't we wake up from this nightmare and re-install THE AMERICAN DREAM?! FOREVER SOVEREIGN, FOREVER FREE!!!!