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12 years ago @ Vision to America - Popular issues stall b... · 7 replies · +22 points

The best thing that could happen to America is Obama to be assassinated. I vote for freedom and extermination of this traitor.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - Popular issues stall b... · 1 reply · +30 points

The people should take names of the walkouts and give each of them their pink-slips and refuse to pay their retirement benefits.
Democrat s flushed their leadership away to Obamacare and gave Obama the traitor everything he wanted. They work to have dully elected men and women cast out by illegal recounts when Obama stole the election due to fraud. Now, they neglect their duty and oath, march them out and charge them..

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Iowa's Democratic Chai... · 0 replies · +1 points

Brain washed liberals, fanatics of the communist progressive party, and people who thinks activism replaces patriotism. We have a sick society that would back Obama in his agenda to destroy the USA.
Obama is a puppet of BuilderBerg group the same people who created a movement of Global Economy and World Order and owned every president since Roosevelt, except for Pres. John F. Kennedy .
If 2012 election is won by Obama, this country will become a 2nd world country and the government will control every aspect of your life, children s and great grandchildren. Obama is a destroyer not a leader and the people who follow him are blinded by party affiliation.

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Obama Abandons Promise... · 0 replies · +2 points

I think warrants for his arrest after being charged with high treason and his administration along with any republican that sided with even one of his bills.
Let the US Marshall's do their jobs so all of Obama's creative terrorism is null and void, impeachment will cause legal moves to save his agenda. Treason will allow the removal of all his under mining of the country and the people without legal challenges. At the time of his guilt is proved shoot him at Capitol Hill by firing squad.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - Axelrod: Republicans S... · 0 replies · +2 points

No one is paying attention to these liberals morons in Obama's administration, so let them lie because it falls on deaf ears.
2012 out with all the incumbents liberal and republicans who followed any of Obama's agenda.