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13 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - A ministry resume that... · 1 reply · +1 points

I have tried a different resume approach and have included a graphic design quality into my resume. The layout is similar to the layout of a blog with a background and my name in the upper left hand corner in a logo style format. I had to mess around with it and tweak it at one point it was way to much color and was printing off dark and curling the page. I like the idea of a larger paper and book format i might have to steal that idea.

13 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - Why parents outsource ... · 2 replies · 0 points

Homeschooling parents would fall right in line with your criticism of the school system.....and the success of those students kinda supports it. Unfortunately the homeschooled kids (I was one) struggle to adjust to real world application sometimes but the evidence is there to support the reasoning that outsourcing leads to a lesser quality product

13 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - Tic Long transitions o... · 0 replies · +3 points

I got to hang and talk with Mark a good bit as a volunteer at NYWC last year. As one of the "new wave" of youth ministers I am pumped about this transition. Don't get me wrong I love Tic and his leadership at NYWC genuinely moved me but I have a lot of confidence in Mark.

14 years ago @ Shaun in the City - My 100 Life Goals · 0 replies · +1 points

I love your goals Shaun some of them I share with you. I admire your audacity when you say you want to be a featured speaker at a huge conference that is the type of goal I share but am afraid to admit for fear of sounding arrogant and lofty.

I also admire your goals to make a difference. I yearn to make the impact you are but sometimes don't know where to start. Thanks for the inspiration and good luck achieving your goals

14 years ago @ Shaun in the City - Stop Calling Him a Mus... · 0 replies · +8 points

I am positive that some of the people who have jumped on the citizenship and religious belief bandwagon are undoubtedly racist. I would not say they all are. Many are just unhappy with the progress but naive enough to believe whatever is put in front of them. Others are just desperate to stir the pot and find anyway to bring them down but not smart enough to research their position. I am a white american. I don't like Obama as President. But it is solely based agenda and principle. I am glad and take pride that we crossed the racial divide and are able to have a black president. I wish to see more minorities embrace conservatism. But I agree with you that enough is enough and that we need to put these silly offensive accusations to bed. Thanks for the thoughts

14 years ago @ - get it out there · 0 replies · +1 points

wow doesn't even begin to describe it. It was like something from a bad soap opera!

14 years ago @ - get it out there · 2 replies · +1 points

It can get you in trouble. As one on staff at the church everything I put out there has to go through a filter. If it is a personal opinion that might cause uproar at my church I have to hold off. I found that out the hard way posting stuff on a ministry website discussion boards. I didn't think what I posted would be seen by people in the church but it was and the outcome was not good.

14 years ago @ Shooting the Breeze - I want to get to know ... · 1 reply · +1 points

1. Greenville South Carolina
2. Full time Next Generation Minister
4. I have read so many this year but I would have to give a tie between Crazy love by Francis Chan and Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis

14 years ago @ Shaun in the City - Let's discuss the ONE ... · 1 reply · +1 points

I understand the desire to help evryone get healthcare but this bill is more about insurance than the healthcare system. It increases red tape and paper work which is already a huge problem. It does nothing to protect doctors from frivolous lawsuits which in turn would make accessibility easier. It assumes that healthcare is a right which it is not. A right is something that God has given to us that man cannot take away. And on top of that it involves the government in yet another part of our lives and i am sorry but I do not trust government with too much and now they have our health in their hands. It makes me nervous. I would be fine with healthcare reform that simplified the system made it easier to access safer for the doctors to practice and thereby reducing costs. But this doesn't do that. Not from what I have seen yet