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11 years ago @ American Vision News - Sheriff: gun confiscat... · 0 replies · +3 points

Gun control, or excessive taxes, or a combination of the two could very well start the next civil war. Unless, perhaps, the Government decides to jump-start things by cutting off all of the food-stamps and free housing they've been doling out for so long, to so many. All they'd have to do is stand back, and watch the people killing, and robbing each other in the streets, when they realize their free ride is over. The rest of us will be left to defend what's ours.

11 years ago @ American Vision News - Sheriff: gun confiscat... · 1 reply · +3 points

I was reading an article yesterday, relative to our Government hording enough small pox virus to wipe a large percentage of the US population out. Be aware that even though some of us, older American's, have been inoculated, the vast majority of our citizens have not been. What is to stop our own Government from releasing small pox into our environment to achieve their goals of population control, and as a method of taking over the survivors? These days, I wouldn't put anything past the traitors running the show. We should have seen the writing on the wall with the introduction of the Patriot Act, if not before. I think we were all too busy, worrying about 'terrorists' from outside sources, to realize the real terrorists reside in Washington D.C. Holding onto our guns is our only hope for survival, and even then, the Government has 'weapons' we may not be able to resist. It is really scary to think of how vulnerable we've already allowed ourselves to become. Even so, none of us should go down, without a fight.

11 years ago @ American Vision News - Sheriff: gun confiscat... · 0 replies · +8 points

Sheriff David Clarke is a smart man. Let's hope the rest of our Nation's sheriff's realize they may well get blown back through the door trying to disarm America. Honestly, I think most of our Nation's sheriffs will stand beside us, rather than in our way, if the Federal Government doesn't back down on their ludicrous demands for gun control.

11 years ago @ American Vision News - Obama ducks press on $... · 1 reply · +2 points

Wouldn't it be nice to have Obama declared an 'illegal' President and make him pay back all of his and Michelle's vacation expenses to date (since 2008)?, in addition to negating all of his UN-Constitutional actions and Executive Orders? I doubt if even, Obama would have enough money to cover the billion, or so, dollars in debt, he and his family have already run up, enjoying their reign on the throne. This President needs to go. America can't afford him.

11 years ago @ American Vision News - Arms companies cancel ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Kudos to York Arms ... I hope they make up for lost business from private citizens, purchasing guns and ammo 'within' the laws. Maybe, in the meantime, NY will re-think their hypocrisy and negate their ludicrous attempts at disarming the people. There is a pizza place in Va. Beach giving 15% discounts to any customer with a concealed carry permit, and/or who is actually wearing a firearm. I hope more businesses will start doing the same thing to encourage people to exercise their rights. If we all stand together and fight back, we might just be heard through our actions. Anyone with a grain of commonsense, knows criminals are not going to restrict themselves by any gun laws, so why does our Government insist on leaving the rest of us defenseless? Or could it be, they want to make so many laws, we all become criminals? It is sad to see. what America is coming to, these days.

11 years ago @ American Vision News - Utah Sheriffs: we'll "... · 0 replies · +33 points

Wouldn't it be nice if the POTUS took his oath to honor to uphold our Constitution so seriously? We need a new President and a whole slew of new Representatives who will take their oaths of office as seriously as our Sheriffs, Nationwide, do. Thank God, someone in law enforcement still stands on the side of the people.

11 years ago @ American Vision News - State bill: parents mu... · 0 replies · +14 points

At some point, the people need to stand together and say 'No' to the establishment (whether State or Federal) when the laws they dream up don't coincide with our rights under the Constitution. Although, I wonder how many people understand their Constitutional rights to begin with. We have certainly stood by and watched them be butchered, year after year, without rebellion. Maybe it is still we started standing up for ourselves one community at a time, Nationwide. If I owned guns, and my children attended school in Missouri, I think I'd ignore this law, home-school my kids, or move to a State that respects the people's rights. I sure wouldn't comply with 'reporting' my firearms to the Government, out of principal alone.

11 years ago @ American Vision News - Introducing the "Feder... · 0 replies · +7 points

The Federal Reserve has all but destroyed this Nation. It is time to pull the rug out from under the Private Bankers and put the power of currency back into the hands of the US Treasury, where it belongs. People don't seem to realize that we're paying billions of dollars in interest, alone, simply borrowing COUNTERFEIT money from the Fed bankers. While we're at it, we need to give the IRS the boot, too.

11 years ago @ American Vision News - TX high school holds "... · 1 reply · +1 points

Perhaps, but letting the kids know ahead of time they would be subjected to drills might make the drills less traumatic for the students attending school, wouldn't you think?

11 years ago @ American Vision News - TX high school holds "... · 2 replies · +9 points

Holding drills is one thing. Failing to forewarn the students that these drills would be held is quite another. I can only imagine the fear the students went through, thinking they were actually being attacked. Our kids have enough trauma in their lives, between the daily news headlines and the violence on TV and via video games, without being subjected to a 'false attack' without prior warning. Plus, where are those SWAT teams when they are 'really' needed? Arm some of the teachers and give them firearms courses and maybe there would be a lot less trauma on school grounds to begin with. It seems to me, this story makes a good argument as to the benefits of homeschooling.