


7 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Wall Street Pit - Facebook Privacy? Who ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I am so, so conflicted on this. Facebook is such a huge thing for my generation, and has been such a great way to connect with friends over the past few years. Things though have been getting scary recently, with people friending me that I'm afraid of (bad histories), weird emails from strangers being sent to me about my FB profile popping up during their google search for my apartment complex, and other creepy things. I think it's time to say goodbye to Facebook for me, there just has to be a line somewhere. I guess this it for me...http://thesmogger.com/2010/05/19/why-i-want-to-quit-facebook/

14 years ago @ Macleans.ca - LOST Will Be Fine · 0 replies · +2 points

For such an epic series, Lost has managed to keep so much suspense over 6 years. In addition to the obvious mysteries and storylines, it’s also done an incredible job at throwing small clues and hints at its viewers to pick up on. Many of these have gone missed, and many have been spotted. I think that a big part of the show is putting the pieces together like a puzzle – the answers aren’t going to be explicitly stated ever on the show. It’s wrong to expect that. For a show that’s kept us guessing so long, who wants a simple answer. Here’s what I’m talking about regarding the hidden clues/hints along the past 6 seasons:http://thesmogger.com/2010/05/13/looking-at-lost-...

14 years ago @ ScreenCrave - Lost: Season 6 Episode... · 0 replies · +2 points

Last night's episode was probably the most emotional one for me yet this season - it really brought back home the concept that this season will be ending everything. With Sun and Jin dying, I'm really left wondering what else could happen that could make me feel as upset as I was last night - they have consistently been my favorite storyline on the show (and "Ji Yeon" my favorite episode of all time). I hope the rest of the episodes this season have the same focus on the characters and wrap up the storylines that we've come to love and want closure to - it's really crazy that it's all finally goign to be over soon.http://thesmogger.com/2010/04/30/lost-the-final-c...

14 years ago @ In Entertainment - American Idol 2010: To... · 0 replies · +1 points

Last night was one of the first great nights of IDOL this season - I think everyone performed better than they have for the majority of this season- one minor exception being Crystal. However, with that said - I think Aaron or Michael are looking weak and tonight may be their curtain call...http://thesmogger.com/2010/04/28/idol-hangover-the-six-do-shania/

14 years ago @ Teen Daily - Glee Finale Spoilers! ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Britney on GLEE has made me downright giddy. Madonna, Britney, Lady Gaga, possibly Billy Joel or Courtney Love...who's next? How about some other possibilities - could a Disney episode be in store one day? or Michael Jackson?http://thesmogger.com/2010/04/27/gleeful-possibil...

14 years ago @ Online Social Media - American Idol Results:... · 0 replies · +1 points

It'll be interesting to see how these 6 do tonight - I think just going into it without anything else said, it would be Casey's night to really shine - country music, bluesy, etc. Also, I could see Lee doing really well. As for the others - I'd be really worried about Siobhan or Michael tonight.http://thesmogger.com/2010/04/22/idol-hangover-th...

14 years ago @ In Entertainment - Britney Spears on Glee... · 0 replies · +1 points

Britney on GLEE has made me downright giddy. Madonna, Britney, Lady Gaga, possibly Billy Joel or Courtney Love...who's next? How about some other possibilities - could a Disney episode be in store one day? or Michael Jackson?http://thesmogger.com/2010/04/27/gleeful-possibil...