


14 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

7 years ago @ Farm Fresh Adventures - What Do You Collect? {... · 0 replies · +1 points

The interesting thing is where I collect my favorite verses. In my paper Bible, they are all highlighted or underlined. But my digital Bible? Similar, but not as easy to flip through and find the highlighted portions.

Also, I have to laugh about the pens. I was just telling my boss at work that I don't have any pens at my desk. lol

(your neighbor at FMF)

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - Sunday Confessional Se... · 2 replies · +1 points

Okay, I'll go first.

We're homeschoolers, too. And there are days I use "home ec" as an excuse to clean the house. And there are days I spend WAY TOO much time on the computer instead of "teaching." My favorite educational product so far? A video by Leap Frog, called "The Letter Factory."

Cut yourself some slack. No, you don't have to watch him the entire time. :D

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - Wading Into Seafood · 0 replies · +1 points

Here's one of my family's favorite recipes. I've used it with tilapia and swai/basa.

My husband grew up close to the gulf, so he's constantly asking me to fix some sort of fish. He's fixed shark before, but I didn't care for it. I would like to try salmon (other than salmon croquettes), but he said he had too much of it growing up.

Oh, and shrimp is a must around here. I like to marinate it and throw it on the grill. The best I've ever eaten was shrimp wrapped in bacon and grilled. YUMMY!

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - What if You Ran a Home... · 0 replies · +1 points

I would say how to read nutrition labels and count calories. And I don't know if you will be cooking or not, but something that would have helped me would have been a list of substitutions and the fact that you CAN substitute. This is a good list even though it's not complete.

Also... try really hard not to stress. The kids will pick up on it. Try to roll with the punches and relax. :) You'll do great.

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - Sunday Confessional an... · 0 replies · +1 points

My confession.... As great as my mom was, I just realized today that I'm a better cook than she was. That's kind of scary to me.

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - The Many Uses of Bacon... · 0 replies · +2 points

Shoot, an egg cooked in butter or "cooking spray" isn't nearly as tasty as an egg fried in bacon grease. :D

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - An Introduction on Sit... · 0 replies · +1 points

Welcome Brian. :D

My dad's mantra was that all men needed to know a minimum of three things: How to sew on buttons, how to fry an egg, and how to wash laundry.


14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - A Blatant Beg · 0 replies · +1 points

Heh heh.... Been there, done that. Still trying to figure out how to explain to my church friends that the really good marinade used a dry white wine. lol

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - A Blatant Beg · 0 replies · +2 points

Okay, see.... I don't remember any of mine, because I choose to forget them. *whistles softly*

ROFLOL Yeah right! Let's see, Sunday (yes, this week), I made blueberry muffins. Only I didn't have blueberries. I had blackberries and raspberries. They aren't interchangeable.

I've made all sorts of .... interesting concoctions that my family had to attempt to eat. I do have to say though, the more I learn about cooking, the more interesting my concoctions seem to be. ;)

Have fun.

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - The Great Planned Over... · 0 replies · +1 points

You are not alone. My problem is that I have IBS and vegetables can cause HAVOC in my digestive system. Havoc.

And then there's my poor husband who seems to think that if he can't have meat with every meal (except breakfast) then he's starving to death. *sigh*


P.S. I am part of a game blog, where I am "Miranna." But my name is really Melinda