Toy Lady

Toy Lady


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12 years ago @ http://www.takingonmag... - Menu Plan Monday & A C... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, I've gotta watch the Grinch - the real one, not that live-action movie.

Also, you are going to LOVE the Moravian chicken pie! The crust is FANTASTIC - it's become my default for pot pies in general.

12 years ago @ http://www.takingonmag... - Lindy's Cheesecake fro... · 0 replies · +1 points

The last time I made a Serious Cheesecake (which I don't do often because the LAST thing I need is a whole cheesecake sitting around beckoning me!), I wrapped it in individual servings and froze them.

This one sounds fantastic!

12 years ago @ http://www.takingonmag... - Chicken and Orzo Skill... · 0 replies · +1 points

It's such a disappointment when you WANT to likes omething - SHOULD like it, and it's meh. I wonder if using chicken stock instead of "reserved pasta water" would help? Also, I'd probably use leftover roasted chicken instead of plain breasts - that would be seasoned and may add more flavor.

Definitely like the idea of adding herbs - maybe some garlic too.

12 years ago @ http://www.takingonmag... - Beef Stroganoff Casser... · 0 replies · +1 points

Love beef stroganoff, and I'm with you - thin slices against the grain are the way to go!

PS, when my son was younger, we made spanikopita - and I still catch him calling it "spankopita" occasionally! LOL

12 years ago @ http://www.takingonmag... - Authentic Armenian Boe... · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh, thank you so much for the freezing directions - the LAST thing I'd need is to have a mess of those just sitting around ready to eat! They look and sound fantastic - huge thanks to your mom!

12 years ago @ The Powers That Be - Team Obama Laments 'Th... · 0 replies · +1 points

Re the dots - I had to click through to see what you were talking about. The dots are bullet points in Google Reader:

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12 years ago @ You Have More Than You... - The Top 7 Worst People... · 1 reply · +1 points

Ohmigosh I HATE pee-pee girl!

One day I marched back down the hall to my office, got a post-it, and wrote a note and stuck it on the seat "no one wants to sit in this --->"

Haven't had much of a problem since.

12 years ago @ You Have More Than You... - Are Reality Television... · 1 reply · +1 points

I don't know, I barely know who most of these people are - reality TV just doesn't appeal to me. But it obviously appeals to someone - and a lot of someones, I'd guess.

And really, how is this any different than, say, what a top sit-com star is paid? (Charlie Sheen made $40M last year? Ray Romano made $20M - and he wasn't even working!) Not to mention movie starts. It just seems like these haters are hating because they believe it really is "reality" - that these people are just going about their daily lives and someone is just handing money for nothing (and chicks for free).

It just seems to me that, just like everything else, the market sets the price. If MTV (or whoever) wasn't making money, they wouldn't pay that much. The people who are paying this kind of money obviously think it's a good investment.

And you're definitely right about one thing - what these people are paid takes absolutely nothing away from me. I'm still working at the same job, making the same money, whether they exist or not.

12 years ago @ http://www.takingonmag... - Barbecued Chicken Keba... · 0 replies · +1 points

Aren't these fantastic? My husband was all over them when they first appeared in the CI magazine. We did them again earlier this week, and, as an EXPERIMENT, I stashed one kebob's worth of chicken in the very back of the fridge, on the bottom shelf. That's going on pizza tonight.

We use my husband's homemade bacon for the paste - it's definitely more bacony than commercial bacon.

13 years ago @ http://www.takingonmag... - Split Pea and Ham Soup... · 0 replies · +1 points

For that "bite" - I add a couple of tablespoons of whole peppercorns, right at the beginning of the process. They soften and mellow, yet provide just a little burst of peppery flavor when you bite into them.

Also, this soup freezes and reheats beautifully. I think I have a quart in the freezer now.