Keith Hancock

Keith Hancock


13 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

4 years ago @ - The Dems’ Primary Ob... · 0 replies · -1 points

Is the news about CNN losing half its viewership true? If so, how are the New York Times, and Washington Post faring, and the other left wing media? Is this the beginnig or the middle or the end of the biased left wing media as America reasserts its fundamental values?

4 years ago @ - 52% of young adults in... · 0 replies · +3 points

There is a case to ban all political parties, right or left, defined by a tendency to authoritanism, communism, socialism, collectivism, and anti-individualism. Perhaps Mr Soros (irony?) can be persuaded to set up a think tank producing studies of states where these impractical, unrealistic ideologies crippled then brought down Russia, Hungary, Chechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Albania, Armenia, Rumania, east Germany, Maoist China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, etc. The result would be a strengtheniing of an improved capitalism and democracy where equality is dumped for the unrealistic dream it's always been for equality of opportunity for everyone on earth. World poverty has been reduced by 50 per cent by democracy and cappitalism we're told, so why not go with gusto for Equality of Opportunity for Everyone and outlaw regressivism?

5 years ago @ - Yikes! Now the Dirty D... · 0 replies · +1 points

The historically inevitable gap between the minority, perennially wealth producing rich and the perennial underclass of the greedy and envious poor wont go away under socialism as the abundance of historical evidence shows. So how do we avoid the current socialist threat of revolution and its inevitable failure?

6 years ago @ - Cosmic Consciousness · 0 replies · +1 points

Dr Bucke and Dr Marsha Sinetar ("Ordinary People as Mystics and Monks") both suggested the possibility people with these higher experiences are a new species.

Best wishes,

6 years ago @ - Cosmic Consciousness · 0 replies · +1 points

May I post the full article in This is a Blog dedicated to the subject, which, by the way is being taken very seriously by scientists in many fields around the world. Oxford University passed its archive of 6,000 case histories to Wales University for further study under a US Templeton Foundation fund. There's a wealth of readable public scientific literature on the subject, not the least of which suggest mere physical science has come to an impenetrable abyss as a tool for understanding human destiny. It's suggested experiences like ours are at the forefront of human evolution.

Does your article suggest the stirrings of a mainstream breakthrough?

Best wishes,

Keith Hancock, publisher, mystic

6 years ago @ - Long Live Individualism · 0 replies · +2 points

The mystical exerience of Reality only comes to individuals. Now scientists (ie: Eagleton et al) say the mystic experience is from the cosmos, with the human brain a mere receiver. Humans as such may not even exist in the future, only sovereign, individual parts. Is this why historically individualism survives because it is at the root of all evolution while collectivism isn't?

7 years ago @ - Trump’s Tax Returns:... · 1 reply · +5 points

The media gives us essays rather than the old fashioned journalistic, who, what, where, why and when. Can we have a law against merging facts and opinion? What about banning all adjectives and adverbs in news stories, to start with?

8 years ago @ - Resisting Conformity · 3 replies · +1 points

You say scientists say man is the most powertful force in the universe then you say mankind realises it's helpless against the forces of nature. Since the sixties scientists all over the world have begun to acknowledge the evidence of the Mystical Experience of Reality that shows there is nothing bigger nor more powerful than even a fraction of what is known of Reality. Some are suggesting there is no evidence that the human race has any superior significance in this Reality.

8 years ago @ - The Connection between... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm a follower and fan Robert. Here's my take on the subject:

From the perspective of Reality, you don't need any human criteria to achieve the purpose of your life.

Those who have experienced Reality are no longer bound by faith, hope, or belief, morality or ethics, or any other second hand human notion of their individual purpose. To those who have experienced Reality these are all automatic "givens", the personal fruits, attributes you are granted individually by knowing Reality.

Reality is enough, in my experience, though it seems to be a spontaneous event in human lives and comes unbidden and apparently even undeserved by human standards.

"The Cloud of Unknowing" suggests the only thing Seekers can do is to meditate, contemplate, pray and read ... Christians are told to "wait and watch". Others say you can be given the experience by teachers but I think the jury is still definitely out on that.

Maybe the physicists will eventually come up with an understanding of the phenomena from studies currently being made in universities around the world. Of all the scientists, academics and serious students of the phenomena of Reality, the physicists seem to be the nearest to a primary definition of Reality but even then they are only uncovering what Reality -experiencers and others have been reporting for thousands of years BC.

In the meantime, as those who have experienced Reality might agree: All is Well.

Best wishes, Keith Hancock, publisher,

8 years ago @ - Does Mindfulness Work? · 0 replies · +1 points

My energy went straight into your lucid exposition of mindfulness. It brings the bibllical saying, "Be still and know that I am God" seamlessly up to date by reinterpreting it to, "Be still and know that I am Consciousness (energy?)"

Keith Hancock