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14 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - Merry Christmas! Win a... · 0 replies · +1 points

The best I read this year was Tea with Hezabollah.__I RT from @jdeddins

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - My Top 5 Books This Ye... · 0 replies · +1 points

Linchpin was on my list as well for this year, but in the spirit of adding something new I suggest Tea with Hezbollah by Ted Dekker and Carl Medearis.

14 years ago @ http://unrehearsedadve... - disciplining out of love · 1 reply · +1 points

We are right there with you, with kids at 6,4,and 2 there times when I wonder if they have heard a word that their mother and I have said to them. Our middle daughter is very strong-willed too Allison. Over the last year I have really learned how to approach her differently than my other girls. She still needs discipline, but it looks totally different from the way I discipline my other girls.

14 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - 31DBBB Day 30: Monitor... · 0 replies · +1 points

I've been using Google Analytics and Feedburner to access my site. Google Analytics is something that I am quite familiar with because I also use it at work to track the performance of our companies' website.
I think Philip brings up a good point at the end. You don't need to load every analytics program you find onto your blog because the JavaScript is going to slow it down, leading to frustrated readers.

14 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - 31DBBB Day 22: Pay Spe... · 0 replies · +1 points

This whole challenge has centered on this aspect, because we have all come to this blog, Paul has given us opportunities to guest write for the challenges on certain days he has called our attention to a specific blog.
Obviously, some of this requires that you know more about your readers. It's easy to take a comment and build a post off of it. One my blog today I tried to leave a question that would spark some discussion about running plans: http://trainingcrucible.blogspot.com/2010/06/how-... . My plan is that the comments will provide me with some information about other plans that people have used so that I can review them and write a post about it later. I could also talk in more detail with the person who suggested the plan.
Like a few of the challenges in this series, this one may be a little harder for new bloggers to use because we are still trying to build a readership. My take on today's assignment was to try to lay a foundation so that I can actually do it at a later point.

14 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - 31DBBB Day 21: Breathe... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think this assignment can be productive for those who have been blogging for awhile. I've been writing regularly on my blog for less than a month now, so it seems a little foolish to go back and update an older post. However, there have been times when I have come across new information. Typically when this happens I write a new post, explaining what I have found and then link back to the old post.

14 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - 31DBBB Day 20: Leave c... · 0 replies · +1 points

I feel the same frustration if my comment doesn't appear right away, although most of the blogs I have commented on have active moderators who quickly check out the comments and get it up. However, I have commented on blogs where this wasn't the case and I have since stopped reading them.
Another frustration is having to go through a 5-6 step validation process in order to post a comment. Most times, unless I have something really important to add to the conversation, I just skip it.

14 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - 31DBBB Day 20: Leave c... · 0 replies · +1 points

I read in another book by Darren that only 1% of your blog's readers actively make comments. I want to check my stats and see if this is true for my blog, you may want to do the same with yours.
I think that one way to increase that percentage is to be engaged with other blogs, especially the blogs of your readers. In most of the comments I have reference to building relationship with readers, and one way to do that is to give, not simply take comments.

14 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - 31DBBB Day 17: Watch a... · 2 replies · +1 points

One of the things I noted right away on your site was the header, which I really love. Have you added that since this blogging challenge started because I don't remember it from previous visits.

14 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - 31DBBB Day 17: Watch a... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for sharing these extra articles Paul. This is an easy one to skip, because not only may it be hard to find some one new to read it, there is also less accountability here. At least with the assignments that ask for a post you know it was done.
So this afternoon I plan to get a couple of people to look at the blog and tell me what they think.
Also thanks to this challenge I know several people who never seen my site before I have looked at it, and a few have shared comments about the look and feel of it (thanks btw!) You have yet, stop by www.trainingcrucible.blogspot.com I realize that it's not the same as being in the same room with the person, however, I think since we have been doing this challenge I have read the same resource for improving our blogs, our insights would be quite valuable.
I was out of town last week for vacation and didn't get anything posted, but I already have 3 posts up for this week.
If you check out mine and leave me a comment or email me at jdeddins@gmail.com I'll be sure to do the same with yours as well!