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14 years ago @ SlapBlog.com -- Snarky... - Man Calls 911 Over Ris... · 0 replies · +1 points

It truly is a SIGN of the end of an era. Yeah, the era of cheap gas is over. HDRKID predicts more woe.

14 years ago @ WebGuild - Apple CEO Steve Jobs O... · 0 replies · +1 points

This was one of my predictions and here it is. Steve Jobs has a very nasty form of cancer. I wish we had the cure. We will have it in the future I am sure.

14 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - The Daily won't use iA... · 0 replies · +7 points

Charging money for content has been tried before see WSJ without much success. Most content on the internet is free and people prefer it that way.

14 years ago @ Paul Kedrosky: Infecti... - Curation is the New Se... · 0 replies · +2 points

In the future what do we see for search engines? Well, how about voting by users. OH yes sorry, DIGG tried that one. Then they get rid of their bury buttons - poof no viewers. Dictators hate a democracy and want to be on top getting all the views.

14 years ago @ Synactable's Voice - What Web Development T... · 1 reply · +1 points

If you were to time travel back to the 1980's you would find that memory and processing power were max expensive. As these go down in price, expect web site as a movie to become max pop. Right now we are moving toward a 3D experience.

14 years ago @ Coverville - Who Did It Better #27:... · 0 replies · +1 points

I love the Pleasantville version. It was a time travel movie. For some reason the 50's are max pop.

14 years ago @ NewsReal Blog - Helen Thomas and the D... · 1 reply · 0 points

We need to stand up. Yeah, stand up for freedom and against oppression. The fact that Obama did not kick out Helen Thomas tells us what he is. He is on the side of the Arabs like Helen Thomas. I mean, for her to say that the few that survive the Holocaust should return to germany. How could she be so full of racism?

I am sure if you were to ask the prez what he is going to do about it, he would say "I don't know what you are talking about anymore. Look, I am very busy right now - excuse me."

14 years ago @ iPhone cases and acces... - AT&T ditches the unlim... · 0 replies · +2 points

Well, you should not use your iPAD to watch movies. In fact, we are so ol skool at AT&T we want bring back dial up. OK so shut up. Hell, you are on the phone too long anyway. What you need to do is buy a phone and not use it and every month send us money. Those towers are expensive.