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12 years ago @ Original A... - The Bombs-Away Election · 0 replies · +6 points

Sure is--Gary Johnson running for President. I suggest all Americans force the major networks to show the RT all third party candidates airings,which was a surprize to me--Larry King was the moderator. Gary shined as a true American that has the smarts and can outshined any US President. His main point of turning this messed up country--term limits for all politicians.

12 years ago @ Original A... - The Bombs-Away Election · 2 replies · +8 points

Johhny come Lately--are you kidding us--Obama is worse than Bush?
Did Obama allow Sept11/2001 to occur and coverup or 1 million Iraqies dead on lies
Did Obama cause the financial mess we are in? Wake-up foolish boy

12 years ago @ Information Clearing H... -    &nbs... · 1 reply · +1 points

Humbug! "war to save 6 million Jews that in reality condemned them " bullsh!t. Hitler regime was truly hardcore zionist and a patsy to America. America used Nazi regime to send polish Hungarian Jews to over populate Palestine. Ever wondered--How come their is so many X-hollowcaust survivors. By the end of 1941--Germany was successful to send 175,000 Jews into Palestine--same time Uncle Scam was an ally of Germany. Author should had included Hitler as one of Americans buddy and when he became useless--got rid of him and his men.

12 years ago @ Information Clearing H... -   Citizens\' Gran... · 0 replies · +1 points

idiots at large

12 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Drone-Murders of Ameri... · 0 replies · +1 points

Did you catch a story recently that over the skies of Texass--folks are taking shots at overhead drones--one big hit score--gooodie!
Just imagine if Russia does the same to NATO countries--UN be up in arms. America is the #1 terror state, like mother so is daughter Israel--EVIL.

12 years ago @ Information Clearing H... -   The Unfolding H... · 2 replies · +1 points

Something smells here? Why can't Russia or China or north Korea help out with the needed supplies to Iran?
Americans and their sidekicks are evil. Justimagine if tomorrow China applies sanctions on USA and Canada--few months there be tailor and shoe repair/mending at every street corner instead of money marts to buy chinese goods. Don't get offened when I say--Americans are evil beings--look around--do most care what happens to the palestinians or the 1 million Iraqies killed. notice the oil companies have reduced the gasoline prices as a token gift for the upcoming election. Watch the prices sky rocket after Nov 6.
Term limits is a must to get rid of the rats in Washington.

12 years ago @ Original A... - Israel Lobby Calls for... · 0 replies · +20 points

WHO ARE THEY KIDDING? "It was rejected because you can’t have Americans killing Americans.” Dead 3000 sept11 2001

12 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Michael Scheuer: Israe... · 2 replies · +1 points

Nixon tapes--first recordings in office--Nixon speaking-"I'm surrounded by so many FKN Jews"
Sad part is--Nixon brought more Judas and he sure got thumped.
Know any Jew that is unemployed? They insist--they get the plumb jobs!

12 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Michael Scheuer: Israe... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sandra--youarefullofpoopagandashit__Why don't you mind your own business--at least their women can stay home--not like in America--9-5 job and the hell having kids or if any--out on the streets. Look at American women today--sad lot-childless and working their asses for a meger living.

12 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Chris Floyd : Welcome ... · 1 reply · +1 points

"third party candidates' nonsense!
Here in Canadass--we have 3 parties--all the FKN same rabid dogs. 4Usrael 4Usrael 4Usrael and kissie kissie Quebec
What is most needed is term limits for all politicians--8 years and your out
Another sad affairs is--whole media is Jewish controlled.Sad!
Speaking of media--check this out: