


82 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ - Titanfall: The game wi... · 0 replies · +1 points

how bout yourself? did u play the titanfall beta and enjoy it?

10 years ago @ - Final Fantasy 14: Dive... · 0 replies · +1 points

I was super pissed about the servers being full, and that the servers didn't have an auto log out for AFK'ers. I was gunna play with a bunch of my friends as well but everyone got into different servers, I managed to get into the same server as Pearz n whatnot but after being so far behind due to the server issues, I only managed to play for for 2 weeks and found the combat to be dull and not worth the purchase. I DID beat Titan though during PAX and that was entertaining enough.

11 years ago @ - Gargantia 09 - The Rep... · 0 replies · +1 points

never liked the hideauze, but i find the earth version to be much different, I mean really they arent the same as their space bretheren. the humans on earth have pretty much lived in harmony with them and I really see no point in killing them all. As for communication it appears they cannot "talk" but who knows what other forms of communication they might have, i mean we DID see Elain hideauze make physical contact like a hand gesture that showed a level of understanding and either her or someone similar to her appeared at the end

11 years ago @ - Virtue\'s Last Reward ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Trying to keep this comment as spoiler free as possible.
good catch on the bomb timing, another thing im somewhat confused on but perhaps can be explained through overdose, is the Radical 6 effects during the Security Room. You can also point out that the villian noted by the novel could refer to the other consciousness?

11 years ago @ - WiiU Various Info and ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Supposedly it is, also the 3DS will be able to communicate with the WiiU, in fact, the next SuperSmash, as well as Monster Hunters can be played on both systems and be played together, so if we were in same room I can play monster hunter on WiiU and a friend can bring up his 3DS and play his monster hunter with me.

12 years ago @ - Hyouka 11.5-12: Fanser... · 0 replies · +1 points

I lol'd when Oreki tossed the "winning number" he received from the punk, opportunity smacked Oreki in the face so I'm sure he will use the stage light in the Punk's contest to display the "hyouka" book they're trying to sell.

I really hope we get some more light romance, at the moment it just feels like the romance in Haruhi, where you know its there but its never fully shown.

12 years ago @ - Hyouka 11: Puppets of ... · 0 replies · +1 points

if it was Oreki's sister that would awesome.
I absolutely agree on how they told Oreki about his mistake, they were way to harsh. II loved how the mystery turns out to have nothing to do with the mystery, but the perspective of being a script writer rather than a detective blew my mind.

12 years ago @ - Hyouka 10: What about ... · 1 reply · +1 points

I wanna know what Chitanda was going to say, surely it isn't the same thing about the rope?

12 years ago @ - Hyouka 09: Instead of ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ultimately I felt that this episode was a bit of a let down, were back at square one as neither of the three theories work and none of our main characters have any input to how to solve the mystery, we just see 3 ideas and then learn how obviously they would fail, i found myself shaking my head to each theory before the main group proved it wrong.

12 years ago @ - Diablo 3 - A Lesson in... · 0 replies · +1 points


also,,, nice to see this innovative and practical method of making money without pissing off your buyers.
F2P have their Cashops, other games have their subs, hopefully we see some new innovative ways of sucking our money without pissing us off.