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10 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - Storming the Barricade... · 0 replies · +1 points

This President is the most divisive and petty human being to ever occupy the oval office. He reeks of maliciousness and has no sense of decency whatever. It says a LOT about the people who raised him and those with whom he aligns himself.

11 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - Morning Bell: Jim DeMi... · 0 replies · +6 points

Perhaps if our members of Congress had to rely on the same health care as the "ordinary" American citizen, there would not be the mess of a law that we are facing now.

11 years ago @ Expose Obama - Video: Bin Laden Raid ... · 2 replies · +17 points

According to Benezir Bhutto, the popular Pakistani politician who appeared on British television with David Frost in 2006, bin Laden was murdered in December pf 2001. She even named the murderer, which may have been instrumental in her assassination.

Obama did not order the killing of bin Laden, Valerie Jarrett had nixed the idea three times, the decision was finally made by General Gates, Leon Panetta and Secretary of State Clinton. Go to YouTube and find the famous picture of the scene in the situation room...Obama looks clueless, which he was...........they had to drag him in from the golf course (check out his clothes).

He didn't protest being upstaged because he probably knew that the breaking news would upstage any coverage of his eligibility hearing. Funny how all these major stories seem to knock other plots off the table. bin Laden's death shelved for Fast and Furious, the latter forgotten when the Benghazi scandal popped up..............what's next?

11 years ago @ Weekly World News VIP - OBAMA BUYS $40 MILLION... · 1 reply · 0 points

Dream on................oops, that would actually be "nightmare" on. Your shouting (caps) will not get your incompetent candidate elected!

12 years ago @ Vision to America - Rep. Ron Paul's Campai... · 1 reply · +3 points

The only reason he is even IN the Republican Party race is that he knows (and found out first hand) that there is no way a Libertarian can win in a system where two parties dominate all politics!

12 years ago @ Vision to America - Public School Principa... · 2 replies · +9 points

Why the heck does it ALWAYS take people so long to WAKE UP? It appears that those closest to any problem are the last to see that problem. There was a time when educators were respected equally alongside hard working people in the medical community and people of faith.

Perhaps there is yet hope..............maybe we are finally seeing some good come from having beaten the drum against "public indoctrination" for so long. My Dad (rest his soul) said he wanted to live long enough to see the fall of the Soviet Union....he made it!! I want to live long enough to see the end of leftist domination of our public education system. How did it get this way................there is NO mandate in the Constitution for "publicly funded" education. We let this happen and we can make it go away!

12 years ago @ Vision to America - How The Left Declares ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Democrats, the left, Progressives, Socialists, no matter what you call them are not only instrumental in waging war on women, they are equally as involved in systematically destroying the American family!

12 years ago @ Vision to America - Holder in 1995: 'Reall... · 3 replies · +30 points

Tell ya what.............the real Americans, you know, the ones who know the Constitution and cherish our founding documents will never give up their guns! If the Dumb Democrats wish for that, just make a vow never to protect any of THEM from the threats (either criminal or revolutionary outside influences) that may come their way! Let them protect themselves with rocks and clubs like the cavemen of yesteryear, BTW, are there any cavemen left?

12 years ago @ Vision to America - NAACP Tells UN That Vo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Of course it matters who votes. Why quote a Communist Thug Dictator?

12 years ago @ Vision to America - NAACP Tells UN That Vo... · 1 reply · +1 points

WITH ID, it would be nearly impossible to cheat the voting process...............that is, unless you live in a navy blue state like mine where absolutely every ballot issue is conducted by mail!!