John Hunter
10 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0
9 years ago @ Catarina's World - Are leadership and dem... · 1 reply · +1 points
For government I think real democracy makes more sense. And the internet makes it more practical. But still it is not practical. The representative governments - like the USA - is the best model. People elect others to craft laws, oversee the executive branch and vote on laws.
The current result of the USA representative form of government is pitiful in my opinion. We chose to elect people primarily that raise the most money. They do this by serving those that give them cash (so they get the most money). Obviously if they are serving those that give them the most cash they are not serving the interests of the country.
The fault lies with the voters choosing to elect and re-elect extremely corrupt politicians (and their political parties). Until we stop doing that we will get the same results the current political parties have been providing for decades. It is very unlikely they will spontaneously start putting the interest of the country above the interest of those giving them cash. We have to replace them with people that put the country fist. Until that is done, we can expect a continuation of what we have been getting.
9 years ago @ Catarina's World - Do you know how Russia... · 1 reply · +1 points
12 years ago @ Gabriel Weinberg'... - Ditching alerts that a... · 0 replies · +2 points
There is something I would call an alert that I want to get even if not-actionable yet. This is essentially the near miss type info. Basically I want some data that doesn't rise to the level of action, but puts it on my radar. Maybe sometimes I'll decide to act, but often I'll just wait and see on that type of thing. I don't know if you call that something other than an alert (or just want to eliminate those altogether).
I must admit I like the interesting data stuff. I might justify it as being useful just because I like to see it...
13 years ago @ Gabriel Weinberg'... - Changing the game - Ga... · 0 replies · +1 points
Keep up the good work with Duck Duck Go, I am amazed how many of the search competitors just die off. It seems like their is plenty of room for good stuff and lots of money to be made in the long term.
13 years ago @ Statistical Modeling, ... - "To find out what happ... · 0 replies · +1 points
13 years ago @ Gabriel Weinberg'... - Online services I pay ... · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ Gabriel Weinberg'... - DuckDuckGo/blekko sear... · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ Gabriel Weinberg'... - DuckDuckGo/WOT search ... · 1 reply · +1 points
14 years ago @ Gabriel Weinberg'... - Help me start a FOSS T... · 1 reply · +3 points
We should also remember the contribution of time is often even more important (and for some people easier). I mainly wanted my organization to start donating cash because we had been unable to make the time to give much in the way of code improvements, additions - which was actually my fist priority.
So far for my own small company (part time), and personally, I haven't tithed, but I have given small contributions to open source software (also open source science - PLoS) and Creative Commons and EFF which play an important role in maintaining the proper environment for the success of open source software, I think. My goal is to give back more. But so far that goal has been held back by my failure to better achieve the goal to increase revenue :-(
I get so much from great open source software like Ruby, Rails, Ubuntu, Phusion Passenger, Apache, MySQL along with lots of less well known software... that it is important to me to contribute to sustaining the environment that will continue to produce such great software.
Keep up the great work with DuckDuckGo and this new effort.
14 years ago @ 20s Money - My Long-Term Investing... · 0 replies · 0 points
I have real estate instead of gold/silver. And I have been investing in oil and gas companies (not the same as hard assets directly but has some of the same benefits). I wouldn't mind getting some additional commodity exposure.