Civilus Defendus

Civilus Defendus


7 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Sharia versus Freedom · 0 replies · +9 points

If we non-Muslims cannot grasp the meaning of sharia we are defenseless before it. If we are ignorant, we may tolerate, or even embrace, that which will bring about our destruction. We cannot destroy sharia, that is for Muslims to do, but we can impose a separation – to remove, disallow and prevent it; to criminalize its promotion (an act of sedition) and cease immigration of people who promote Sharia. It is now for us to guide our elected representatives to act to protect the nation, to speak the words that will simultaneously invite cheers and condemnation – that sharia cannot be tolerated and must be rooted out, expunged from our lands. Once informed, once contemplated…to not act would be (and is) an unconscionable failure and breach of trust and responsibility. Thank you, Dr. Bostom. ~ CD

13 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Did Muhammad Exist? · 0 replies · +1 points

He could have been invented to sustain the armies needed for eternal empire-building. Clever new revelations for every circumstance. Religious fervor, booty addiction and constant sexual gratification could a formidable army make.

14 years ago @ Loganswarning - Islamic Terror Threat ... · 2 replies · +4 points

CL - could the featured rant be borrowed as an example of pure islamic supremacism, hate and theo-political thought?

Stay safe, mate.

14 years ago @ Loganswarning - Louisiana Bans Sharia ... · 1 reply · +4 points

Good. I will be sharing with my 3 state reps/senator. I approached them 2 years ago and they weren't certain what to do, now I can offer them LA and OK as examples. This should also be on every Republican Party Platform - no sharia will be enacted nor tolerated, PERIOD.

14 years ago @ NewsReal Blog - Louisiana outlaws Sharia! · 0 replies · +2 points

The theo-political doctrine of Islam fully implemented under sharia law, consistent with the koran and sunnah, condemns freedom (of speech, religion, association, press, petition of government), forbids equality (between men and women, Muslims and non-Muslims) and denies traditional sovereignty (national boundaries based on language, culture and shared history). In sum, sharia violates our cultural values as well as our laws, and is destructive of our nation and our liberty.

14 years ago @ - Saying No To Sharia La... · 0 replies · +1 points

The theo-political doctrine of Islam fully implemented under sharia law, consistent with the koran and sunnah, condemns freedom (of speech, religion, association, press, petition of government), forbids equality (between men and women, Muslims and non-Muslims) and denies traditional sovereignty (national boundaries based on language, culture and shared history). In sum, sharia violates our cultural values as well as our laws and is destructive of our nation and our liberty.

14 years ago @ Loganswarning - U.S. Scolds our Europe... · 0 replies · +2 points

Thank you, CL and GR!

DP, no offense taken. Folks here say if we can have a non-native born as Pres. (duh-O), we'd rather have Geert Wilders! The entire non-muslim world must recognize the tenets, the very CORE of islam is the problem and any attempt to implement sharia as SEDITION. Once we make that decision, the remaining choices will be easy (immigration, deportaion, crime & punishment). It is this intellectual act - a clear headed and unequivocal position about liberty and threats thereto - is what is needed in all nations, states and cities worldwide. Our voices are growing, we WILL be heard!