Aqiyl Aniys

Aqiyl Aniys


9 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ Natural News Blogs - Arame: A Nutritious Se... · 0 replies · +1 points

Getting seaweed from Japan is scary nowadays because of the radiation leakage from Fukushima. I now only want to eat seaweed from the Atlantic ocean.

10 years ago @ Natural News Blogs - The Benefits of Keepin... · 0 replies · +1 points

Keeping a fitness journey is a good way to keep you accountable. You have to keep it somewhere easily visible and accessible as a way to keep you conscious of your goals.

10 years ago @ Natural News Blogs - TOXIC WARNING: Fruit &... · 0 replies · 0 points

Yes Kevin. Cut that piece off and wash the fruit.

10 years ago @ Natural News Blogs - 10 Nutritional Deficie... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is totally not true James. I am a vegan and I am very healthy and very active, at the age of 46. I am currently back in the gym sparring young guys after my health improved 2 years ago from adopting a plant based diet.

10 years ago @ Natural News Blogs - 10 Nutritional Deficie... · 0 replies · +1 points

There are many professional athlete vegans who are not skinny and pale. I am not skinny and pale. I am slim and fit and I am highly active at 46 years of age. My weight dropped from 180lbs to 155lbs since I adopted a plant based diet. I only lost fat weight and strengthened my muscle. I box, kick-box, cycle, and run. I haven't been sick in over 2 years since adopting a plant based diet and I use to suffer form sinus and chest congestion. Done correctly, there is nothing better than a plant based diet to support healthy living.

10 years ago @ Natural News Blogs - 10 Nutritional Deficie... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Scarlet, the only supplements that may be needed by a person on a plant based diet are the same supplements that may be needed by meat eaters, and that is only vitamin B12, and vitamin D. Lots of people are lacking or are deficient in vitamin D because they don't get enough sun. B12 is only and issue because natural sources of B12 have diminished because of the chemicals put into public water to kill bad bacteria which also kills good bacteria.

I eat a plant based diet, I am 46 years old, and I don't take multivitamins and I only occasionally take B12. Other than the two vitamins listed, which are issues for everyone, supplements are needed while eating a well balanced whole food plant based diet.

I haven't been sick in over two years since I adopted a plant based diet, and I used to suffer from sinus and chest congestion, and now they are gone. My health has been supercharged, and at 46 years old I am back in the boxing gym sparring with 20 year olds.

10 years ago @ elephant journal: Yoga... - Want to Go Vegan? A To... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is an awesome list. Thank you.

11 years ago @ elephant journal: Yoga... - A Lesson from Nelson M... · 1 reply · +1 points

In response to: "An alternative approach can be seen in the actions of Nelson Mandela who chose not “us or them,” but “all of us together.” He insisted that domination—white over black or black over white—was not an option. How did he arrive at such an enlightened stance?" I think he saw that having the "white over black or black over white" led to constant conflict, and it was destroying his own people who he was trying to save. They were loosing site of the goal that was to maintain their dignity but they were loosing it by adopting that philosophy.

11 years ago @ elephant journal: Yoga... - What-Ifs and If-Onlys:... · 0 replies · +1 points

REading your story I a m like wow! I reminds me of good lessons I have learned about opening myself up to other people's experiences and pain so I can learn form them, but also to give them a chance to share themselves.