


13 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - Blissdom Conference Ti... · 0 replies · +1 points

Looks like a great conference. I've tweeted the link!

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - Cooking Light: Complet... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sweet - thanks for doing this giveaway Heather. I've been wanting to lighten up some of my recipes - for some reason everything I've been making has felt heavy.

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - Bissell® Steam & Swee... · 0 replies · +1 points

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - Bissell® Steam & Swee... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm intrigued by the idea of steam cleaning my wood floors. I would love that.

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - Join the Sunday Confes... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have a silk dress - A line, no detailing - with pockets that are invisible sewn into the side seam. (one reason I can never give this dress away). So I know it can be done! I like the idea of a movement.

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - Join the Sunday Confes... · 2 replies · +1 points

that's so smart. but also maddening (why should we have to?)

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - Join the Sunday Confes... · 2 replies · +1 points

I have thought that the world would be a better place (at least, it would for me) if women's clothes had pockets. Why is this so hard? Men's clothes have pockets, whether you're talking about men's pants, shorts, jackets, and many shirts as well. pockets everywhere, generally well-constructed AND tailored so as not to be too obvious (unless filled to the brim with overstuffed wallets). I hate the tyranny of the purse and avoid carrying one whenever possible (which means making DH do the lion's share of the driving). Problem is, once I've arrived at our destination, if there's some little goody I would like to buy, he won't let me use his money to buy it (he likes to punish me for not carrying my own money) - I try to explain that it's not my fault, it's the clothing manufacturers and their pocketless styles, but he doesn't buy it. So if women's clothes had pockets I'd have fewer squabbles with my husband.

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - Sunday Confessional Se... · 0 replies · +1 points

hehe. My kids hate it when I quiz them about what happened in every quarter of soccer practice (or school or camp or . . . whatever). If they think it's smothering when I ask them about every moment of their activities (that I don't attend), why wouldn't it be smothering when I watch (and perhaps comment on or back-seat coach) every moment of their activities that I do attend? They'll report back on the highlights they deem important enough for me to know, no need to focus in on the details.

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - Passive Composting, Wi... · 2 replies · +1 points

We do passive composting, plus a bit. DH will turn the stuff with a shovel from time to time, and maybe add some fill dirt (and maybe lime?). But for the most part it's just collecting kitchen scraps, grass and leaves and sending them out to the backyard when the container gets full.

BTW - if you can't find a good 'compost keeper' for your kitchen, you can use an old ice bucket, so long as it has a lid. We keep ours right next to the sink - when we peel veggies or fruit, the scraps go straight into the bucket. While our old compost keeper did have some kind of charcoal filter thingy to contain smells, so long as you empty regularly (say, weekly) and keep the lid on tight, there shouldn't be a problem with smells. Old ice buckets are usually a lot cheaper than new compost containers, too.

14 years ago @ Home Ec 101 - Audio Book Rentals Thr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Chesterfield County (Virginia) - and Henrico County (both suburbs of Richmond) both offer digital audio books. Looks like it's through Overdrive as well.