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10 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - \'Selma\' Movie Distor... · 1 reply · +3 points

The interesting thing about this article, which I think was thoughtful with a point of view and respectful to everyone, is the childish, nasty, mean spirited comments here. First of all, the holier than thou attitude of you mean, nasty commentators is shameful. What have you done for civil rights?? The Left wing Jews commenting here the same Jews that are, in my experience, the most patronizing and racist people that I have ever met. I will take an Orthodox Jews that actually lives kindness and Torah every day over the secular Leftists. You are the same Jews that turn your noses up at good Jews that actually follow Jewish law and moral requirements, taking instead a self righteous narcissistic view of the world, and condescending to people that actually live their lives as Jews, with kindness, with charity, with prayer, with Faith in Hashem, and with hard work. The nasty Left wing extreme Jews commenting here criticizing the author as not being perfect should be ashamed of themselves. Maybe you could try to make a constructive comment once in a while, rather the telling us how so much morally better you are... And by the way, historical accuracy clearly does not find much room in movies like this, so it should not be a surprise that this one is not accurate either, but with that said, let's not pretend that this movie is historically accurate. It is not. Showing LBJ as a foil to MLK is contrary to the facts, and not showing the huge amount of participating by Jews in the Civil Rights movement is also counter factual. This is similar to Democrats now saying how great they are on civil rights when it was the Republicans like Jacob Javits and others that were critical to getting civil right laws passed over the objections of Democrats. But the director of the movie stated it plainly, she did not want to make a movie about "white" saviors, well, she did not. Congratulations on making what could have been a great movie, and what still is a good movie, into what too often becomes just another partisan, polemic. Black people == Good. White people == Bad. Jews == No value at all.

11 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Obama Blunders Again o... · 0 replies · +6 points

There must be something in the water at the Commentary offices, like LSD maybe. Blunder?? It is the intention of this White House to empower the Muslim Brotherhood. Why you cannot see that is troubling, but it goes with Commentary's seeming inability to understand anything that does not fit the DC elitist mindset. Somethings things are exactly as they seem.

11 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Is Obama Winning the S... · 0 replies · +5 points

Repubs need to take on Democrat tactics. One, tell Obama that any deal that does not stop the mandatory sign up for individual for Obamacare is a non-starter, and mean it. Very soon Obama will agree to this because it gets him out of the issues with Obamacare, 1.) the system does not yet work, and 2.) no one is signing up, and that is a fact. Add to this the requirement that all of Congress and their staffs must not get special privileges and this will be enough to for a deal with the Repubs. Obama gets to say that Obamacare stays open, the Repubs eliminate the mandate till 2015, and both get to say that any special privilege is gone. Mark my words this will be the compromise because Obama is smart enough to understand that he is better off with a voluntary program for a year while they try to fix the thing and get more people to sign up that he would be in what will be both a technical and PR disaster for him. Really, this is his only way out and it gets the Repubs to sign on. This will be the deal

11 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Ted Cruz v. The Realit... · 4 replies · +29 points

Clearly you are the one that is utterly oblivious to what is happening. What is the establishment Repubs end game? Yes, you got, just submitting to the continuous onslaught of the Dems while clinging to the ridiculous idea that the plan from the White House the Dems is to continually dupe the Repubs into thinking that when the Dems take 3 steps forward and one step back, that the Repubs have some kind of victory.
The empirical facts are that your tactics led to Obamacare passing, the depletion of the Defense budget, a massive increase in public debt, the use of the IRS to target conservatives, alliances with the muslim brotherhood, abandoning Israel, killing the economy, tax increases....I could go on...but these are the results of your end game.

Thank goodness Cruz and some other are not so willing to be rolled by the Dems.

11 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Ted Cruz v. The Realit... · 0 replies · +18 points

This article is very insightful to understand how the Beltway mentality is truly killing the Republican party. The true reality is that the Dems and the White House have been conducting a scorched earth campaign against Republicans and some Repubs along with the Beltway insiders like Wehner are operating as if politics in DC are a parlor game. The end, my friend Wehner, is defeating the constant political campaign coming from Reid, Pelosi and David Axelrod/Obama.

The idea that there is any other end game but that, as if making public policy is still somehow bound by some set of rules of decency, shows that Wehner and his crew truly are blind to what have been happening.

Thank goodness Ted Cruz et al are not fooled by what has been clearly fooling Wehner and the DC elitist Repubs.

11 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - The Shutdown: Exposing... · 0 replies · +21 points

Harry Reid sighed that 16,000 Congressional staffers could be hurt...So if there are 16,000 congressional staffers and there are only 535 House and Senate members that means there are almost 30 staff members for each member of Congress. That is 30::1 WOW

11 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Iran Danger Is Delay, ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Good info by Tobin. Every day is a day closer to have a major conflagration. And by the way, the Iranians already have sufficient fissile material for a bomb. And it seems irrational that over 60 years we developed a bomb from scratch in less than 4 years, but now with all the information and components floating around the Iranians can't do it in over 10 years.... I'm not buying it

11 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Conservatives and the ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Excellent comment epaddon. No more looking to Repubs as the lesser of two evils in a presidential election. We need a new party, and I hope to goodness Sarah Palin will commit everything to leading it because she is only one with enough charisma to get elected. People in the DC statist establishment like Wehner will never admit they have been wrong all along. They think the Bushes, who allied with wahabi Saudis, who increased the size of the federal government and who perpetuated the culture of corruption in DC, were good presidents.

11 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Ted Cruz and the Conse... · 2 replies · +32 points mean there are games played in DC...Oh My!! What a surprise. Mr. Wehner you set up a straw man and knock it down (pretty much how Obama works nearly all the time) but the whole point of the process somehow eluded you. Look at it this way, if Obama and the Dems want to fund the government, it is their job to get the votes in the House. You and the rest of the folks with your perspective on this just want the Repubs to give the votes to a program that is substantively hurting the American people merely because the Dems say they want them. Wow!!! Obama and the Dems really need to actually do something to get Repub votes..You just want the Repubs to surrender out of fear of ?????? not sure what. It is stunning that you really don't understand politics or public policy negotiations...

11 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - The ObamaCare Shutdown... · 0 replies · +2 points

Mr. Tobin should heed Thoreau when he said that one should be careful of considering someone half witted when in fact the problem is that you can only appreciate one third of their wit. Why the dickens should a Senator or House Member vote for something they do not want? In fact, if it is as Mr. Tobin says, it is inevitable that Obamacare continue to be funded, then the supporters of Obamacare must deliver the votes in the House. Tobin's "strategy" is to just give in but in all his writing he gives no compelling reason for surrender. Surrender has gotten us McCain and Romney as presidential nominees, two terms of an incompetent left wing Jew hating Democrat administration, a Senate controlled by a truly evil person, Harry Reid, and the foreign policy of the United States being supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood and unsupportive of Israel. One must be careful, Mr. Tobin, of arrogance.