


17 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Iain Dale: Trump is di... · 1 reply · +1 points

Tubby2, why won't you use your real name? Is it because you don't know squat about politics in the U.S.A. and lack any factual knowledge of who Donald Trump is. You, a UK "bloke" yourself is either ignorant or stupid. Since I don't know you personally and don't want to I will leave it to the honest people of the UK to judge whether you are ignorant or stupid...

3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Iain Dale: Trump is di... · 1 reply · +1 points


You may advertise yourself as a "COMMENTOR", but you sound more like a COMMUNIST Far Left-wing Marxist nut!!!

7 years ago @ - Little Marco Embarrass... · 4 replies · +9 points

Yes, and we Floridians would have voted him out of office had we had an electable Republican candidate for the Senate. He is on probation with the people of Florida. If he keeps up his bad behavior he will serve his last term in the Senate representing Florida...

10 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - 7 Reasons Nothing Shou... · 4 replies · -4 points

These are 7 important reason to build the pipeline, but it isn't the primary reason Obama and his Democrat co-conspirators are refusing to approve its construction. That reason is the Koch brothers...!!! The Koch Brothers Are the Largest Land Owners of Canada's Tar Sands!!! The Koch Brothers are one of the largest donors to conservative causes in the U.S.A. Democrats are trying to blacklist them for being "conservative Americans"... See

Al Barrs

10 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - What No One Wants to A... · 4 replies · +31 points

What Amy writes is entirely true, but the background is much different in truth and what the socialist FDR intended. The people were promises that the money deducted from their salaries would go into a "lock box" to be paid back to them when they retired. The real left-wing intent of socialist FDR was to bring in more money for the Feds. The original Social Security concept was, in FDR's mind, a new "tax" just like the ObamaCare "tax" as Chief Justice Roberts called it. Then the Democrats under Lyndon Johnson, another far-left liberal, a modern day socialist, spearheaded the effort to break the lock box open and use the People's SS funds for pork projects and personal political schemes alleging to put in IOUs as the funds were drawn down...only that never happened. They lied! Now the politicians are screaming we don't have the funds to repay our SS IOUs...for that the entire Democrat Party delegation should be impeached and removed from office and the Democrat Party declared a treasonous anti-American militant faction and disbanded forever...

10 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - Debt Crisis Begs the Q... · 0 replies · +1 points

We Americans are a nation of citizens not a nation of subjects! We will retain our individualism, independence and freedoms…so help us God!

There is no reason Social Security and Medicare should “devastate our economy and cause irreparable damage to our way of life”. Senior citizens who are retired today and about to retire paid, as did their employers as part of their salary and benefits, during all of their working careers into the federal system for which they had no choice and were told by the government that they would be paid during their retirement years a monthly fee to pay their way during retirement, and they also paid through their employer a fee to the Medicare administration during their working careers and even in retirement pay an ever-increasing monthly fee for Medicare, which the federal government takes out of their Social Security payments without their consent or approval. Senior citizens did not betray the federal government's promise of Social Security, they did not spend their Social Security money on other boondoggles and pork projects and shouldn't be forced to pay for other people's health care or supplement their health insurance like ObamaCare and corrupted politician's do for political bribes for votes!

Now, Medicaid is an entirely different subject.Medicaid recipients do not pay anything into the Medicaid system during their working careers making Medicaid a “welfare” program funded by other taxpayers. Social Security and Medicare is not a "welfare" program and should not be rolled into the same classification. SS and Medicare are user paid programs, but programs of which they don't control and that is the problem...government manages nothing successfully because they are self-serving and corrupt today...

How about we focus on reigning in a big unnecessary and interfering federal government, their pork project spending, and non-citizen supporting endeavors before we ask senior citizens to once again a second time to bail out the corrupted and self-serving federal government?

Page, don’t you realize that this Administration of Barack Obama has intentionally put people on a variety of “welfare” programs to bribe their votes for Obama and other Democrat political office candidates? Don’t you understand what is going on in the United States, or do you have your head in the sand? Have you any knowledge of the rampant anti-constitutional election fraud and vote stealing that is allowing corruption and socialism to control our republican form of government, our lives and economy???

More appropriately the elections of 2010 and 2012 were the most destructive in our generation!

…but we are still a nation of CITIZENS, not "subjects" who retain their individualism, independence and freedoms and like our ancestors and forefathers will fight and die for them if necessary... Do you stand with us or against us???

10 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - All Those Obamacare St... · 1 reply · +20 points

Millions of people who have been hurt by ObamaCare may have an opposite view...what happened to "DO NO EVIL?"

Beside "poor working people" as you call them are not poor, they get more welfare than middle class citizens make on the job, nor are they working in this era of ObamaCare, they are on taxpayer's stimulus. And, those "poor working people", including the illegal migrants, didn't go without medical treatment before ObamaCare...the received free health care in our nations hospital emergency rooms, health care which was paid by the higher prices for healthcare for people who did have health care one went lacking for medical care in America... Hospital emergency rooms were required by Federal law to provide health care regardless of nationality or economic status!!! Look it up stupid...

10 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - All Those Obamacare St... · 1 reply · +5 points

Part 2 of 2 part comment by Al Barrs...

Coburn, a physician himself, initially lost his cancer specialist when he was forced into the Obamacare system. But when Coburn voiced concern—from experience—about the lack of cancer treatment centers covered under ObamaCare, Reid said he was just “getting into the weeds” and that “I think we need to look at the overall context of this bill.” (Mr. Reid, we have finally had a chance to read and “look into this bill” and we know that you, Obama, Pelosi and all other Democrat Marxists lied through your teeth about the bill and yourselves never read it…for that you must be turned out to pasture and fired! –Al Barrs)

The editorial board of Investor’s Business Daily marveled : We recently called Senate Majority Leader Reid “delusional” on another topic, but to that we can now add “callous” and “insensitive” — in his disregard of cancer sufferers and the hardships imposed on them by Administration politics and ObamaCare. (Like the elderly, sick citizens…cancer patients are too costly for Barack Obama’s ObamaCare and are therefore expendable because the use up to much of “his” tax revenue on such nonsense as staying alive from one day to the next. The 2014 mid-term candidates who swear to impeach and remove Obama and his Marxist co-conspirators in the U.S. Congress from office for treason against the American people and remove them all from office will get my vote. As far as I am concerned they need do nothing between the 2014 mid-term and the 2016 general election but remove Marxists and Communists from our Federal Government…try them for treason and imprison them for life without parole, and this includes Marxist and Communist politicians as well as Federal employees who have betrayed the American people and our Founding Fathers…and then reverse all the damage Obama and Democrat Communists have done to our people, economy and nation over the last eight years! –Al Barrs)

… Reid coldly dismisses people such as Edie Sundby, a stage four cancer patient, who was told that the plan that had paid out $1.2 million and helped her survive all these years was substandard and would be canceled because it didn’t contain the one-size-fits-all coverage mandates of ObamaCare.

Meanwhile, President Obama exulted in claiming that the “tall tales” about ObamaCare “have been debunked.”

Was he talking about ObamaCare’s job-killing effects?

Its limiting of patient choices?

Its forcing all Americans into a one-size-fits-all health care model?

Thankfully, this isn’t the end of the story. In the same week, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (R) released a blueprint for health care reform. Heritage experts have been working on patient-centered solutions for years. Americans know that the horror stories are real, and that there has to be a better way to go.

10 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - All Those Obamacare St... · 0 replies · +9 points

All Those Obamacare Stories You Told Us Were Untrue

See COMMENTS by Al Barrs in brackets () and in Olive Drab bolded font.

The Foundry
The Heritage Foundation
By Amy Payne
April 7, 2014

“There’s plenty of horror stories being told. All of them are untrue.” – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)

“Many of the tall tales that have been told about this law have been debunked.” – President Barack Obama (Mr., and I use the term lightly, all the “tall tales” of which you speak are much more than just “tall tales”, they were and are still outright LIES, political propaganda lies in a false narcissistic belief that the people of the U.S.A. will believe you… NEW FLASH!!! They, we DO NOT believe anything you say today. If you told us what time it was, we would look at our watch or clock on the wall. Mr. President you are an utter disgrace to America and humankind!!! –Al Barrs)

Last week was “victory lap” week for liberals on Obamacare. (Actually last week was an ObamaLap because no one followed his false lead and celebrated the demise of our once great healthcare system. Thanks Mr. President for destroying that part of we American’s security! –Al Barrs) After years of telling the American people that we just don’t understand the health law enough to love it properly, the President and his allies are now crowing that all debate should be over. (All debate is not over! We, the People, will have our revenge on this hideous act of a narcissistic sociopathic President who cares not for the people, but for his own sorry Marxist ass... –Al Barrs)

Our readers have told us about Obamacare’s effects in their lives—hiking their insurance costs and canceling many of their plans. I guess Harry Reid thinks you guys made these up. (No, Harry Reid didn’t say we guys made these up. Reid said on the Senate floor that we guys was lying…the ultimate affront to honest hardworking people!!! –Al Barrs)


But Reid didn’t stop with insulting everyday Americans. Reid took a dig last week at Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), himself a doctor who is resigning from the Senate to continue cancer treatment.

Part 1 of 2 parts of comments by Al Barrs...

10 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - Tell Us Your Common Co... · 0 replies · +2 points

Contact your local homeschooling organization and supplies store and see what they recommend. If you would like I can talk to my daughter out in Texas who has a son in homeschooling right now who is 15 and get some current information for you. Contact me at my email address I wouldn't give it out but it is all over the Internet due to the family history and American history research I have been doing for many years...