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9 years ago @ - The Mystery of Death · 0 replies · +1 points

As one having had memories of a previous life at age three and having had the experience of forgetting most of it as we have to realize we are here now and not going back. I can say while I do not look forward to the end of this existence, but do not fear it.

Google "Two Minute Conservative" for clarity.

10 years ago @ California Political N... - Adrian Vance: The Cal... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have decided to do a book on this that will be widely published and I will personally distribute it to the people who can and should do something about it. It is too bad I do not have contact information for all these people as their testimony makes a powerful case.

11 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Hillary’s State Depa... · 0 replies · +5 points

Poor Hillary: She is always in the eye of a sex scandal hurricane and never gets any!

See The Two Minute Conservative via Google or: and when you speak ladies will swoon and liberal gentlemen will weep.

11 years ago @ The Space Review: essa... - The Space Review: Cost... · 3 replies · -14 points

This has been the most ridiculous waste of money and people in the history of this nation. Nearly half a trillion Dollars to "...send men where none have gone before because it was stupid?" Send them into a radiation filled vacuum where there is literally nothing! No wonder we are broke and on the brink of collapse. We deserve it!

See The Two Minute Conservative at: and when you speak ladies will swoon and liberal gentlemen will weep.

13 years ago @ Vision to America - Islamic Law Comes to M... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you for your concern, Southern Patriot, but I am so sick of what I see happening to America I would consider it a privilege to die standing up for what was and what must come back. I've had 75 years, many of which were wonderful, some painful, but nothing like what I see today. Why should we have to get broken hearts watching TV? I am well enough known to make a difference in death if not life.

13 years ago @ Conservative Byte - Obama’s Solution to ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Classic liberalism: If you have a problem: Throw money at it! Preferably, other people's money. Now how will that fix a flat tire? It sure as Hell has not worked on our econoomy.

The Two Minute Conservative at for political analysis, science and humor. Daily on Kindle.

13 years ago @ Conservative Byte - Freddie Mac Bets Again... · 0 replies · +2 points

Maybe they should call Newt in for some more history lessons at $1.3 million the course.

The Two Minute Conservative at for political analysis, science and humor. Daily on Kindle.

13 years ago @ Conservative Byte - The Republican Establi... · 0 replies · +7 points

It is not even "tenuous," but it will do for this election as it will be "Anybody, but Obama." It is just that simple.

The Two Minute Conservative at for political analysis, science and humor. Daily on Kindle.

13 years ago @ Conservative Byte - Romney Plays Victim On... · 1 reply · +9 points

Well guess who starated it? Mitt blasted the Iowa TV's with nothing but, "Newt is a skunk" ads. And, it works, but only because Newt is a skunk, but he would our skunk instead the Saul Alinsky skunk we have. And please be here informed that "skunk" is not a code word for "Negro."

The Two Minute Conservative at for political analysis, science and humor. Daily on Kindle.

13 years ago @ Conservative Byte - President should back ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Working with the Democrats means giving in to them as their desires are always so insane that is out of the question. Now we are dealing with anti-American international socialists, aka Communists "Occupying" the White House. It is time to call the people who tent houses and fill them with poison gas?

The Two Minute Conservative at for political analysis, science and humor. Daily on Kindle.