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15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - The Colony That Reject... · 0 replies · +1 points

horta yonis,

why are u making, I mean honestly , why , why ..i just dont understand, why are u making it sound like, that British Somaliland was 100 years enjoying freedom and democracy and prosperity when they became a union with Italian somaliland, I dont have to remind you how many days the difference was,

before u count those days with 1 hand, do u also know the simple fact that the union of the 2 somalilands was declared a republic, before British somaliland got its independence, or dont you know the history of SYL who was preparing italian British nfd and the western Somali {its not ogaden, since its not only ogadens that are living there} and just managed to get the north and the south to merge before the others where stolen

””””’If this isn’t history, can one then tell me what is Somalia’s history because it did not exist before July 1st 1960? What is it’s history if Somaliland cant call its British ties a history? How does one define history? ”””””’

absolutely its a history, no questions asked, but does that mean your British history weights more then your historical history
and what do u cal history, dont u have a history which is beyond the late 1800’s, or have the British erased that from your memory whilst they were not colonizing you,

and please, i beg you stop the the age old ”independence before you” line
just incase u was still calculating how many centuries where in between the 2 independence, it was 5 days…………………………5DAYS which where signed on a piece of paper 10 years before those 5 days

Yonis forget all those miscalculated bull**** that pro somalilanders are using in order to be a nation in the world,.
let me give u a reason to be independent which no one can ignore,
instead of your deep search of your until recently neglected British history, or your no sense making protectorate fabricated pride, or even your long political historical unbelievable woooow 5 days of independence, here is a reason u should be proud of and base your arguments on

u as somaliland, have been a nation since the fall of Siad barre, not even puntland can match that, u have a national army, police, schools, universities, hospitals, international airport, peace, developments,U have trade, well educated and hard working proud diaspora {i know because i live amongst them} ,in comparison with the political view of The Horn, U have a president and well developed democratic political parties, on top of that u have everything that mogadishu yearns for, while they have an international recognized and well funded leader {and leaders in the past} and people please standing ovation, for everyone knows, this all has been done without western or arabian aid, but people who love the people and there land just like you mister yonis,

instead of being pre-occupied with nonsense such as independence when your brothers need you the most, focus on being the leader and the proud image of all somalis and direct us {including puntland} towards the peace and prosperity

15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - The Colony That Reject... · 0 replies · +1 points

dear brother ALI

i am sure that every one in here would agree with me, when i say that Abyssinia {Ethiopia} needed to be protected from somali sultans and clan chiefs rather somalis being protected from tigray or amxaaro, its most laughable comment and one that sincerely damages my pride and my high held neck about being Somali when u say we needed protection from haile salassi, neither tigray or amxaaro where capable to cause any sort of threat to isaaq or any other tribe, as a matter fact, They were the ones that always screamed fault and used there christian magic card, whenever somalis turned on them, so your argument regarding ''somaliland protectorate''
is not making any sense.

and for the record, to educate myself I really wouldnt want to read a book written about somali/Abyssinian affairs by a non Somali, when I clearly can get the unbiased information from the Abyssinians or the Somali elders,

Dear brother Ali, I want you to know, that u are not offending no one by using mad mullah to describe a somali hero in every possible way, I am not going to argue here what his Title should be or not should be, because he is my hero as much as he is yours, unlike you I take my pride in the archievements of all somali people regardless there qabiil

last but not least, about your claim that u signed of western somalia, first of all that is not something to mention and be proud of aswell, not to forget that it is a vulgar lie,

to my understanding i dont even class you as a somalilander, because my people from the north would never ever take pride in something that hurts them so much, for in there eyes hargeisa and jigjiga are equal unlike hargeisa and addis

your site? saaxib get real, this site is mine, as much as puntlandpost or hiiraan,com is yours.... you just need to realise your heritage where as i know and many other pro somali union already know, dude wake up, u are sleep walking

15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Ignoring Somaliland’... · 2 replies · +1 points

I have to admit, I like the way u analyse information quick and to the point necessary, there are times your die-hard isaaqnimo comes above water, which are most of the times a good read, but fortunately your good old somali blood runs deeper,

i read your comments and I think to myself, acceptable or decent, I very much respect your comments because it gives an image of u, that of a blogger gentleman would be proud of,

so i would like to ask u a question thats been bugging me lately, see if I hold the mouse above your picture, i immediately get an enlargement of your picture and also a small quote, just incase u are wondering what i am talking about
read the below tekst

''I'm a geeljire - a proud nomad from the land of 7 million wild camels. I'm self-proclaimed guru.''

my brother would have been proud of you since u too have in common the geeljire part, ...................................................now i know i am in favor of united somalia but where do u stand, somaliland or somalia and please do keep in mind that u are proud nomad from the land of 7 million camels,

the judge of southern fellas