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9 years ago @ https://multiversefeel... - Oh Channeleven - Why d... · 0 replies · +1 points
For this, at least you can see that the behavior on Youtube is bad too. And I think using 'Queer' as an insult is pretty wrong too. xD
Well, if you want to feel more good, I wish you didn't talk bad about me and reupload that horrid video about me on Youtube. It would be great if you deleted that. That crap wasn't nice, and was basically a hate video making fun of me for speaking my mind for change for the sake of respect, and keeping the only moral with me: Not to interfere with stuff that does not interfere directly. Also attacking what I like to personally express (No different with photography haters who bash on photographers.).
On general opinions, people can possibly kindly respect each other I think (Without the name calling and so on)... but an opinion about another person and stuff by the person is another thing...
And thanks for the comment on the background, but to be safe, it's not mine (And this blog isn't mine these days?). I think it was an option by Google.
9 years ago @ https://multiversefeel... - The Stalker Defends Hi... · 0 replies · +1 points
9 years ago @ https://multiversefeel... - Just Won\'t Give up on... · 0 replies · +1 points
""If you don't, I'll just ban your IP..""
"Real mature. "
And how is it not? People are allowed to ban IPs against people like you who always disguised your cyberbullying as "criticism" to get away with more cyberbullying. And/or people like you who thinks that if you call your shit "criticism", it would somehow make you "right" all of a sudden when it actually doesn't.
""Funny too, you blocked me on DA, yet, you comment on my blog..""
"I blocked you on dA because knowing you, you'd flame the comments and antagonize the hell out of my supporters. "
You just block criticism. Real criticism.
If you really supported free speech, real free speech, you wouldn't block me.
9 years ago @ https://multiversefeel... - Just Won\'t Give up on... · 0 replies · +1 points
Actually, the movie is pretty known. Other than the other guy with BK64, I could of known I saw yet, ANOTHER one involving the same movie. However my memory is perhaps blurry, but I found this about Minecraft (Mod)
"You most certainly are. I even have proof where you commented on an old blog entry of mine and admitted you were wwwarea."
Umm, I thought you already thought both were wwwarea? I guess you didn't hear the story where I was talking to someone about using the name for other sites.
Also, do you mean that "and yes, this is wwwarea from this account".
No shit, I thought you would already saw the comments? You do realize that this blog is used by two people right?
"Yeah, people within the communities you fiercely defend. The only true friends you ever had, you drove away by being an outright douchebag. "
That's more like to your friends, not mine.
My friends know much more than you and has a much better intelligence than you too.
I was never a "douchebag". However, you were.
"That's only because you've been on YouTube since 2007. Again, it's you on YouTube, not anyone else. That account has links to your google site and this very blog. "
No. It's because people loved him. Kinda like how that one video he has has over 200,000 views.
If the guy barely did anything since 2007, it would be very different. Oh wait, it looks like it has over 1000 now.. Really fast.
Plus, judging by some of the feedback the guy has, he has supporters.
For your last part, it's a long story. But it's not MINE channel.. However.. this blog is mainly owned by my friend.
""Maybe it's because I don't have any problems?""
"Classic case of denial. "
Classic case of bigotry.
""What I did was not the same as Chris, and yet, it IS your fault for doing what you did to me.""
"Oh really? Chris didn't blame his problems on trolls? You really are like Chris Chan."
You do realize that there are tons of people who got attacked by bullies/trolls because they didn't like what the person did right?
Stop blaming the wrong people. And realize that I'm not the same as him. The point in this argument is to compare what I or HE did. Not what other people did AROUND him.
""None of this is my fault because like 99% of the time, I didn't start it.""
"More like .9%. If you would learn to take responsibility for your own faults, then your non-existent life would be a hell of a lot better. "
No, you started it.
It's not my fault bullies like you always hate it when someone uses freedom of speech to promote a more tolerating world, etc. But you starting a journal against me because your bigotry can't handle freedom, etc. Is the real fault.
""You had the choice to move on and learn to respect others for who they are, but you don't. ""
"And you had the choice to learn from your errors or try to be more mature, but alas, you've just sank lower and lower."
Sorry but stop it with the bigotry, I didn't do anything wrong, but other people had the choice to realize that and leave others alone.
I never did anything wrong or made an error. Just because you don't like what I do, doesn't mean you are right.
And just because others don't like it, doesn't mean they are right.
So again, stop with your bigotry and stop pretending your shitty opinion is a "fact" by depending off popularity.
""Now. Get out of here.""
"Can't take anymore criticism? "
Again, that's not criticism, it's bigotry.
And just because you label it as "criticism" doesn't mean you are right, nor is it criticism.
Funny too, you couldn't take any of mine for bringing out your own bigotry, selfishness, advocating pain, etc.
And you never take a single spark of my own criticism.
9 years ago @ https://multiversefeel... - Just Won\'t Give up on... · 0 replies · +1 points
"Oh please, we all know that you're wwwarea. Why the hell are you pretending that you're a different person on here? After all, you were the one who tried to bring Alpha and Omega into a Super Mario 64 hack, so it's no different than what you did with your Banjo and Kazooie hack. Also noticed that you were pretending you weren't the same guy on YouTube. Again, why? That's not even something worth lying about. "
So Banjo Kazooie and SM64 is the same? And that all "hackers" (Not actual hackers, but you know) are the same?
I'm not lying.
Stop with your assumptions.
"I think I got the idea though. You're pretending that you have supporters when in reality, nobody outside of the communities you viciously defend actually likes you. "
Sorry, but you are an idiot. I do have supporters. Like on DA. Yet, stop depending on popularity.
Yet, kinda funny of your comment because on that Youtube channel, it has over 900 subscribers, and yet, I'm saying it's not mine.
"Finally, you wanna know something? You blame everyone but yourself for your problems. Even Chris Chan was guilty of this, which doesn't give you any further credibility. All you do is make excuses and continue to treat yourself as if you know better. "
Maybe it's because I don't have any problems?
What I did was not the same as Chris, and yet, it IS your fault for doing what you did to me.
None of this is my fault because like 99% of the time, I didn't start it.
You had the choice to move on and learn to respect others for who they are, but you don't.
Now. Get out of here.
If you don't, I'll just ban your IP..
Funny too, you blocked me on DA, yet, you comment on my blog..
9 years ago @ https://multiversefeel... - Obviously Can\'t Take ... · 0 replies · +1 points
Oh. You gave me a new word to add in the list that censors the bad words.
9 years ago @ https://multiversefeel... - Obviously Can\'t Take ... · 0 replies · +1 points
Comments that breaks the rules will be deleted.
9 years ago @ https://multiversefeel... - Again, Not a Wolfaboo ... · 0 replies · +1 points
Funny how I was at least calm most of the time too.
Yes this is wwwarea. Apparently on the other blog (About REM's past), it was supposed to use this comment system, but I guess when that possible troll deleted his own comment (Or Google did, or a system of something of Google or another system), it deleted the whole system on that page. I think I've had a similar issue when I may have deleted some other comment.
So leaving this comment up should keep the system up.
It's a far better system than the 'Google' one.
Also, this system gives me an interesting option to auto censor very bad words. If you say what I put on the censor list, it would turn into asterisks. xD
If that REM guy wants to do a commentary, at least do it on your blog. -_-
But honestly, actually no. Don't. You should just ****ing leave me alone.
And yes I made that history because you wouldn't leave me alone, and then you insulted the whole fan base of that "movie".
Maybe I should make the same exact post and make fun of your Nostalgia critic crying (Clearly no different) then. Or a defend, or both.
10 years ago @ https://multiversefeel... - Realism Doesn\'t Mean ... · 0 replies · +1 points
You are highly immature you brat. Telling me I can't post? Wow, stop policing the fandom and stop making lies up.
Also, those who fail to argue why in this kind of speech is a bigot.
10 years ago @ https://multiversefeel... - Another Reason Why \"T... · 0 replies · +1 points