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11 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - Predictions, 2013 · 1 reply · +1 points

One important demographic change in America that no one is talking about is the passing of the New Deal/WWII generation, the self-styled Greatest Generation. The passing of this generation is of immense importance. This generation grew up worshiping Franklin Roosevelt and obeying his every command. They were the backbone of big government in America, they blindly supported the New Deal, and they worked assiduously to spread the gospel that WWII was a manichean struggle between the forces of light (represented by FDR and Winston Churchill) and the forces of darkness. Now that this generation is about gone, younger Americans no longer have them around to tell them what to think, which means that Americans are starting to think for themselves. My hunch all along has been that big government would not long survive the passing of the WWII generation. I see no reason to change my forecast now. Admittedly on the surface government is getting bigger and more intrusive, but big government is headed for a big fall, and soon.

11 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - Obama as Wilson:
· 0 replies · +2 points

My guess is that Obama in his second term will be too busy dealing with scandals and economic crises and putting out fires to launch any new initiatives. At least that is my hope. If, however, Obamacare collapses of its own weight, which is entirely possible, then Obama might be tempted into foreign crusades to redeem his place in history.

11 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - Is Middle East Peace a... · 3 replies · +12 points

The United States is on its last legs as a superpower and will soon be forced out of the Near East, regardless of what the Israel Lobby or any other lobby wants. When that happens and Israel is out on its own, can it survive?

11 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - Israel's Real Agenda · 0 replies · +5 points

You have to wonder about the future of Israel. Israel has always been dependent on the United States, yet the United States is just about done as the world's superpower. When the United States implodes and can no longer go to the aid of Israel, what happens to Israel? Can Israel survive without the United States?

11 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - Our Truth, and Theirs · 1 reply · +1 points

Have you seen the video documentary?

11 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - Our Truth, and Theirs · 11 replies · +12 points

Anyone who can find the time should watch the outstanding video documentary entitled "Explosive Evidence." It was made by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a group of about 1700 well-qualified architects and engineers, all with advanced degrees from reputable institutions. It shows that the 3 buildings that went down at the World Trade Center on September 11 were brought down by controlled demolition. This video documentary can be purchased over the Internet at www.ae911truth.org.

11 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - The Reinvention of Dav... · 4 replies · +10 points

Antiwar.com would do well to finally question the official US Government version regarding the September 11 attacks. The current foreign policy of perpetual war began with the attacks of September 11. If we want to roll back the current foreign policy and restore a sensible foreign policy, we must go back to the source and find out what really happened on September 11, 2001. Unfortunately, no one who writes for Antiwar.com has the courage to say this publicly..

11 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - Nothing Succeeds Like ... · 0 replies · +1 points

The current round of wars in the Near East began with the September 11 attacks. It therefore would be a good idea if the antiwar forces began to focus on the grave problems with the official US Government version of the September 11 attacks, and to demand a completely new investigation. Unfortunately, this is precisely what the antiwar forces refuse to do. Sooner or later, however, someone in public life is going to raise this issue, and then we are going to see a constitutional crisis over 9/11.

11 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - The End of American In... · 11 replies · +7 points

The United States may also lose its sovereignty in an even more literal way pretty soon. The recent passage of Obamacare and its approval by the Supreme Court mean that within a few short years the US could descend into chaos and anarchy when it becomes apparent that there is no money to pay for these things and when the greedy and envious masses go on a rampage in search of their rightful doles. Given the huge importance of the US to the rest of the world, foreign powers will realize that they cannot stand idly by and let America go down completely. So my guess is that they will step in and carve up the various regions of America into colonies of foreign powers. For example, the East Coast, most of whose intellectual elite are lunatics, crackpots, and screwballs, might once again become a colony of Europe. The Fourth of July celebrations will be legally prohibited, as Americans will once again be colonists because they are no longer capable of governing themselves.

12 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - AIPAC Declares War · 1 reply · +4 points

Fine article by Giraldi, as usual. If America goes to war in the Near East on behalf of Israel, it may be good for Jews there, but would it be good for Jews here? If the war turns out to be a fiasco for America, Americans may blame American Jews, and we could see a wave of anti-semitism here in the USA. As one of the better journalists remarked about a decade ago, American Jews are one Near East disaster away from Germany in the 1930's.