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15 years ago @ Wireframes - Justinmind Prototyper ... · 0 replies · +1 points
Thanks for your post! There are 148 testers so far and they are helping us a lot. It's the first time we do a beta contest and I have to say that is going very well (even the testers are having fun with it). So if any of you want to join us please do!
15 years ago @ Wireframes - Justinmind Prototyper 2.6 · 0 replies · +1 points
In my opinion the choose will depend on the level of detail you want to acquire with that tool. If the only thing you want to do is to scketch some screens and define the navigation then I think the best option is Balsamiq (you have a banner in this blog by the way). If you want to be able to have a detailed prototype (or at least you want to have the option to do so) with all the interactions and even some design I will recommend you Justinmind Protoytper or Axure RP. I strongly recommend you Justinmind Prototyper or at least give it a try.
15 years ago @ Wireframes - Justinmind Prototyper 2.6 · 0 replies · +1 points
I'm really sorry about your experience with Justinmind Prototyper. From Justinmind we are making efforts to resolve the bugs and we have been able to make a quite stable version (2.6.4) in just a couple of months. That's not an excuse, of course, but we want to make a good product and we apologize if it has caused you any kind of problem. By the way, it would help us a lot if you send us what bugs have you discovered to
And thanks for the comment, we love the good comments but the bad ones helps us to improve the product.
15 years ago @ Wireframes - Justinmind Prototyper 2.6 · 0 replies · +1 points
I'm really sorry about your experience with Justinmind Prototyper. From Justinmind we are making efforts to resolve the bugs and we have been able to make a quite stable version (2.6.4) in just a couple of months. That's not an excuse, of course, but we want to make a good product and we apologize if it has caused you any kind of problem. By the way, it would help us a lot if you send us what bugs have you discovered to
And thanks for the comment, we love the good comments but the bad ones helps us to improve the product.