16p7 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0
14 years ago @ Online Social Media - New Yahoo Mail Feature... · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ Connecticut News, Weat... - No e-mail for Cablevis... · 0 replies · +1 points
People are not allowed to unsubscribe from these mailings, which came to them unbidden, without their having subscribed to them in the first place. I have long suspected that these two chain mailings, even if you don't open them, contain some serious viral material, possibly Conficker.
And Yes, I've complained to Cablevision dozens of times, They just don't do anything!
Dr. Ellen Brandt
(Dr. Brandt, the former long-time business editor of a major women's magazine, is the founder of the Centrists and Media Revolution Groups at Linked In and the Centrists, Boomer Network, and Ivy League Twibes at Twitter.)
14 years ago @ Connecticut News, Weat... - No e-mail for Cablevis... · 1 reply · +2 points
Ameritrade customers CAN still trade and perform other functions on their website.
But from WITHIN the Ameritrade site, almost everyone is subject to a mysterious pop-up about "Advisor Ted" - a facility no one ever heard of before and which I believe is run by Ameritrade "partner" Minyanville, a site which has been rumored to employ a cadre of expert hackers to spy on whoever they feel like spying on.
One has to wonder if the Ameritrade hacking attack spread to various other sites around the country and was somehow exacerbated at Optonline.
14 years ago @ Wall Street Pit - What You Can Do To Bri... · 0 replies · +1 points
If you find it intriguing, please pass it on to friends who are politicians, regulators, business leaders, or my fellow journalists.
Thank you.
15 years ago @ Big Government - The Political Landscap... · 0 replies · +1 points
If you agree, please consider joining our new group. Provocative and fascinating, but cordial and respectful discussions. No ranters and ravers, script bots, or clandestine political operatives allowed.
Contact me at Linked In for an invitation.
Thank you.
Ellen Brandt, Ph.D.
15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Stopping ObamaCare: Wh... · 6 replies · +1 points
If any form of extremism or "political correctness" is abhorrent to you, please consider joining our brand-new Centrists Group at Linked In. We welcome all who believe consensus is not only desirable, but possible, whatever their party affiliation or lack thereof.
Provocative, but cordial and respectful, discussions and debate on national and international issues. No Flamers, ranters and ravers, script bots, or clandestine political operatives allowed.
Please contact me at Linked In for an invitation.
Thank you so much.
Ellen Brandt, Ph.D.
15 years ago @ United Press Internati... - Crist\'s Senate bid fa... · 0 replies · +1 points
Many of us believe that as extremists at both ends of the political spectrum become more vociferous and divisive, more and more Americans will move quickly to the Center.
Readers who consider themselves Centrists, whatever their party affiliation or lack thereof, might want to join our brand-new Centrists Group at Linked In.
Provocative, but cordial and respectful, discussions and debate. No Flamers, script bots, or clandestine political operatives allowed!
Please contact me at Linked In for an invitation.
Thank you very much.
Ellen Brandt, Ph.D.