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12 years ago @ Vision to America - Gingrich Repeatedly In... · 0 replies · +2 points

I am sick and tired of what is going on here. And intend on stopping this NL too. As I do not believe this report at all. If it was true what is being said, then why would his son endorse Gingrich? But he has.

So goodbye Vision to America. As you are only aiding and abetting Obama by reporting this crap. Which is what it is.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - Pelosi: There's Someth... · 0 replies · +1 points

That is the news from Kenya when Obama was running for senator in 2004 according to something reported back then by the AP

12 years ago @ Vision to America - Pelosi: There's Someth... · 1 reply · +3 points

the problem is, while insider trading is against the law for us, supposedly it is ok for those elected into government. Which means, if true, a law should be passed to stop it from any all people.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - Pelosi: There's Someth... · 0 replies · +6 points

she and her boss along with that other weasel in the senate lie all of the time. Why in the world would anyone believe anything the three of them said at all.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - Pelosi: There's Someth... · 2 replies · +13 points

Plus lets not start something just because some liar is afraid of him getting there after all. Seems like she is full or stuff that I wouldn't want to eat or hear. Come on. don't be taken in by anything that witch has to say at all. She lies just like her boss does.

Looks to me like they are afraid of him, more than having something real. Surely you people do not believe that person do you?

12 years ago @ Vision to America - Romney camp mocks Ging... · 0 replies · +1 points

That is true. But don't hold your breath waiting for him to admit he was wrong.

Some, including Fox News blasts everyone else for running the ads that are going on. Yet Mitt runs just as many if not more than anyone else. I guess some of them even at Fox seem to think we out here cannot se what is going on. Meaning Fair and balanced. That;s questionable still IMO.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - Romney camp mocks Ging... · 0 replies · +1 points

If it comes down to either Newt or Mitt, vote for either one of them against the one that is in there now. As not voting may just be a vote for Obama after all.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - Aspiring Dictator-in-C... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes Donald I have. But it also seems the Bible says there are things that we might be able to do to change things. First one, of course is prayer. Secondly since we have been given the God given right to choose what we are to do, I would say that might include voting too, wouldn't you?

I know many believers sit on their laurels not doing anything to change things themselves often. But that isn't how my Bible reads about issues either. Meaning we are to move, then as we do, God moves very often as well.

Kinda like the scripture that says if you don't work you don't eat. And if you don't vote, you are partly responsible for getting anything.

But I do know many that are died in the wool sitter, never being go getters too. Kinda like that guy that had the one talent that sat on it as well. He sat too, saying let God do it all instead. of realizing we are here for a purpose. after all. And after all didn't Jesus say we are to give to Caesar whatsoever is HIS and to God what is His. So that IMO would mean we need to vote too, as long as we are able to do so. Jesus Couldn't. But we can. Plus also pray as well. That is what I see my Bible telling me anyways.

PS. Certainly something to think about anyway.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - Aspiring Dictator-in-C... · 0 replies · +2 points

I am not for terrorism at all. But when someone begins to remove Americans constitutional rights, that is the end of my being interested in voting for them at all. Not matter how much the so and so says he will do the right thing. As those rights were put into the constitution for a reason. And after that announcement he made, America had better wake up and see this guy for what he is not, which if someone that is behind our constitution all the way. As it is the right of every American to be given due process of law, good or bad, murderer or not. And when we give those up, you can bet your sweet patooty, that someone will use them just like Obama is doing right now to pass their own laws that they want to happen because of their desire to be a dictator over the people rather than the people being over them.. And even the Patriot Act that Bush passed into law should be abolished too. At least the section that gives the right to pass presidential orders. Obama now trying to allow illegals to stay in this country thru a presidential order he wrote just recently, that have not been convicted of a violant crime. When they are already criminals by simply being here in the first place.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - When the Government De... · 0 replies · +1 points

Very good idea there too.