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15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - Maven Tips and Tricks:... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - The Definitive Guide E... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - Nexus Open Source and ... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ - Wicket dojo integratio... · 0 replies · +1 points
Thanks for the great blog post BTW.
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - We're Used to the Axe ... · 0 replies · +2 points
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - We're Used to the Axe ... · 5 replies · +2 points
That fact is that Maven often ends up "holding the hot potato" in an organization. If an org has a particularly difficult build that requires some customization, people continue to try to fit a square peg like the release plugin into a round hole, fail, and then turn around and start blogging about how much Maven sucks. The Site plugin, the Release plugin, even some of the core plugins weren't designed to solve everyone's individuals needs. If you have a release process that doesn't fit the mold, then stop complaining about the Maven Release plugin and start working on your own. Instead what happens is that people tend to blame Maven for inherent problems in a Build. If you are not willing to approach Maven and use its conventions, don't use it.
We have a Plugin API and there are many examples of Plugins throughout the net. People need to stop complaining about how various plugins don't work and start writing the plugins that satisfy their own requirements. People need to stop complaining about the documentation and start participating.
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - We're Used to the Axe ... · 0 replies · +2 points
I've been one of the people jumping up and down about the XML format of the POM, but there's a good reason why it hasn't changed. For one, we do need a single format for the POM as it is used for more than just build configuration; it is used by a series of tools and systems that support development (everything from legal compliance tools to repository managers to IDEs). That being said, Jason is working on features right now that will allow people to have more than one view into a POM (one of them being a "scriptable" POM). Because Maven is more than just a build tool, it is a "project management tool", we have to move a bit slower than we would if we were just building a small build tool like Gradle or Buildr.
In terms of verbosity, while I agree that it is a sore spot on the POM format, I think that most people familiar with Maven would tell you that, once you figure it out, the verbosity isn't the problem that bugs you. The central problem is documentation - we're working on it.
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - Jason van Zyl on the F... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Sonatype Blog - GIT: The sweetest SCM ... · 0 replies · +2 points
15 years ago @ Common Java Cookbook - 1.6. Automating h... · 0 replies · +1 points