Brad Chaffee

Brad Chaffee


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14 years ago @ Enemy of Debt: Where B... - 10 Reasons to Avoid Sh... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree man! Christmas has been turned into something that waters down the purpose in the first place. I\'m in no way against people buying gifts for their loved ones, I just think it needs to be done with intelligence rather than false hope of being loved more or doing so without considering the financial implications. Be SMART! :)

I would pay to see you riding through the snow on your motorcycle backwards. LOL Have a Happy Thanksgiving my friend!

14 years ago @ Enemy of Debt: Where B... - 10 Reasons to Avoid Sh... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah I admit, I have trampled a few people in my day. Just joking. :D

I have definitely been a part of this and even received a good deal from time to time, but for me the crowd alone makes staying home worth it. I think the key for people is to shop on their terms and not some slick marketing campaign. That\'s where it gets dangerous for most people.

Most people use credit and buy on impulse instead of having a careful plan and spending cash. Unfortunate but true. :)

I knew you would be in control my friend! You are having \"Baby\'s First Christmas\"! Congratulations dude, and have a terrific Thanksgiving tomorrow. :D

14 years ago @ Enemy of Debt: Where B... - 10 Reasons to Avoid Sh... · 0 replies · +1 points

Definitely a good choice Kevin!

We have done some of our Christmas shopping already, but fully intend on doing the rest in December. We don\'t go hog wild on Christmas though so it\'s not a crisis if we don\'t get the same deal that someone who camped out got. LOL

14 years ago @ Enemy of Debt: Where B... - 22 Days of No Restaura... · 0 replies · +1 points

I will definitely head on over to read your post. Traveling definitely makes this challenge a problem, especially if it\'s not considered a business expense. You did great and it\'s awesome that you realized some things in the process. Keep rockin\' the challenge the best you can!

I admit that while this challenge has definitely been great for us, we don\'t intend to make NO EATING OUT a permanent thing. We will go to a more relaxed but cautious mindset and try to do once or twice a month from here on out.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

14 years ago @ Enemy of Debt: Where B... - 22 Days of No Restaura... · 0 replies · +1 points

LOL, yeah definitely a bigger difference when you are single. Without wishing my kids out of existence I long for the days when eating out, or eating at all, cost so much. Haha!

I would even go as fat to say that it is much harder for singles. The desire to not eat by yourself is huge. When I was single I found that I would go out to eat just to be around people. LOL

14 years ago @ Enemy of Debt: Where B... - 22 Days of No Restaura... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Wade! I agree that it\'s hard to overcome at first and the decision to do so is even harder. I have to say though that it is definitely worth it.

Going down to eating once or twice a month is a great start! :)

14 years ago @ Enemy of Debt: Where B... - 22 Days of No Restaura... · 0 replies · +1 points

sorry for the late replies everyone! :(

Den, you can go another week no problem. Dig deep! Haha!

14 years ago @ Enemy of Debt: Where B... - Shocking News: Two Wee... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Lizzie for having my back on the pasta thing because I would have been crushed had it really been considered eating out. I feel so great about our determination to save more money and be less wasteful. It felt great when we were becoming debt free and this challenge has reminded me of just how nice it is to have eating out be the special event it should be as opposed to the norm. Thanks for the great comment!

14 years ago @ Enemy of Debt: Where B... - Shocking News: Two Wee... · 0 replies · +1 points

The convenience factor has been an issue for us as well, but one of the things I have realized is that cooking at home doesn\'t have to be a big ordeal. I have found some affordable and quick meals to prepare that don\'t take up so much time. I try to look for recipes that can be prepared and finished cooking in less than 30 minutes time.

I was actually surprised that there were so many recipes that fit that but it has worked for us so far. Good luck with the rest of your challenge and congratulations on your success in the last two and a half weeks. AWESOME JOB!!

14 years ago @ Enemy of Debt: Where B... - Shocking News: Two Wee... · 0 replies · +1 points

Awesome Travis! I can see how your dilemma may have caused you to give in, but at least you didn\'t have to. LOL Who knows, maybe she would have been totally fine with it too. :)