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15 years ago @ News From - Russia Retains Option ... · 0 replies · +2 points

So, why not? The US tore up the ABM treaty, is still attempting to effect nuclear primacy through "missle defense", the US and NATO have admitted eastern european countries to NATO, a direct contradiction of a promise made to Gorbachev by Bush I, the US is still building a first-strike missle defense system based in Europe, including probably the Ukraine; and Israel, who has at least 200 nuclear weapons, isn't even being compelled to sign the NPT. So, what would you expect?

15 years ago @ Antiwar Radio with Sco... - Brad Friedman · 0 replies · +1 points

I will always remember Friedman's work on the murder of Ray Lemme, the Florida DOT Inspector murdered while investigating voting fraud during the 2000 election. An election that brought the Bush crime family into power; and, of course, the rest (911, anthrax attacks, illegal wars, PATRIOT Act, Homeland Security, Military Commissions Act, Cheney hit squads, cratered economy, millions of death in Iraq and Afghanistan) is history.

15 years ago @ Original A... - Israeli Exceptionalism · 0 replies · 0 points

Ignore Israel's nukes at our peril: many of those working on Star Wars and Missle Defense are dual Israeli and American citizens. Some, like Richard Perle, one of the leading adherents to nuclear primacy, space-based weapons, and the survivability and, therefore, the feasibility of nuclear war have been suspected of being Israeli spies. If these zionist (racists) get control of our nukes, i.e. Israeli nuclear primacy, we are all fucked.

15 years ago @ Antiwar Radio with Sco... - Scott Ritter · 0 replies · +1 points

The US political process has been hijacked by a foreign power, employing agents of foreign influence from AIPAC to Orly Taitz, using the leverage provided by dual citizenship, who have made themselves immune from criticism hiding behind the holocaust (cheapening it) and using the anti-semtitic meme to intimidate into silence just criticism...all to undermine the American system of government, if need be, to pursue the agenda of a power (Israel) whose goals can be completely anethma to American national and economic security, using deception and false-flag terror, if needed, ultimately leading to the destruction of the very foundation of the United States Republic, and subordinating its people to a small zionist, racist cabal that looks upon all gentiles as lesser humans.

15 years ago @ Antiwar Newswire - Syria calls for Israel... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ignore Israel's nukes at our peril: many of those working on Star Wars and Missle Defense are dual Israeli and American citizens. Some, like Richard Perle, one of the leading adherents to nuclear primacy, space-based weapons, and the survivability and, therefore, the feasibility of nuclear war have been suspected of being Israeli spies. If these zionist (racists) get control of our nukes, i.e. Israeli nuclear primacy, we are all fucked.

15 years ago @ Original A... - The Virtues of Gorbach... · 1 reply · +2 points

The virtues of Gorbachevism? there are no virtues of Gorbachevism. Gorbachec sold the Soviet Union out. He dismantled the Warsaw Pact without first getting NATO neutrality into writing from Poppy Bush, and then turned Russia over to that drunken Yeltsin moron, who allowed the Russian Israeli mafia and the Friedman Chicago School crooks to loot what was left of the old Soviet Union. Quickly, the United States encircled Russian with "color-coded"revolutions and new initiates to NATO...all to prevent Russia from getting their oil and NG to western Europe and the Caucuses.

It was Putin who save Russia by stopping the privatization of Gazprom by RUIM, arresting Mikhail Khodorkovsky. If the firesale of Russia had not been stopped, the country would today be a shadow of its former self, a hollowed out ghost where the average life expectancy would be 50 years old.

This is the fate awaiting the United States, because the same economic and criminal forces that looted the Soviet Union are now working on the United States. No, we don't need Gorbachevism, we need Putinism.

15 years ago @ Original A... - The Ghost of 9/11 · 0 replies · +2 points

The official version of what happened on 911 was built on a monstrous lie.

We must accept and embrace as fact that 911 and the anthrax attacks were perpetrated by elements from within the CIA, MOSSAD, and the Bush DOD.

Inside jobs, acts of terror, designed to create fear; and within that psychological context initiate a global war of conquest against humanity, against the sovereignty of nations, to steal the world's resources and subdue all of Israel's muslim enemies using shock and awe capitalism, pre-emptive war, murder and assassinations; reducing the world to compliant rubble, with this criminal cabal sitting on top.

And, in the wake of fear created by these acts of state sponsored terror, the construction of a global police state to preserve this structure for the new global elite, the new oligarchs (Google: strategy of tension).

15 years ago @ Original A... - The Ghost of 9/11 · 0 replies · +2 points

Thank you.