


19 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Loganswarning - Migrants (Muslims?) Le... · 0 replies · +1 points

Let me assure you that Iddris is a Muslim name. I know of Sudanis man who had that name, and I also know of a Pakistani boy called Idris Raja. So please don't lie. That name is Muslim. These are the very things to come in EU and else where in the West.

15 years ago @ Loganswarning - Italy: 100 Italians Ar... · 1 reply · +2 points

The biggest threat to EU is not form outside, but from within our boarders, with PC brigade,Lefty Loonies , liberals, and if we don't get rid of them in the coming elections, then God help us all. May be even God has lost his power against Islam.

15 years ago @ Loganswarning - Italy: 100 Italians Ar... · 3 replies · +2 points

These are the type of things to come. Won't be long when it will be near you if immigrants keep coming in uncontrollable numbers . The very hand which feeds them ,they will bite it. Stop mass immigration into EU.

15 years ago @ Loganswarning - Mainstream Oklahoma Ba... · 0 replies · +2 points

khushi, You are right in what you say. Islam has been a religion of WAR from the day one.But we still have gullible non muslims like Bruce Prescott who think and believe Islam is a religion of peace. How are we going to convince likes of Bruce that Islam means subjugation/misery/ mayhem/terrorism,etc,etc I believe it is the websites like this that we have to expose the EVILS of Islam to the public at large. So when you go to other website give the link of this website too. ie, spread the word around. see

15 years ago @ Loganswarning - The Real Islam~Video b... · 1 reply · +3 points

I find it amazing that naive Afro-Americans,who fall for the lye's of Muslims and get attracted to Islam, the very cult which enslaved them in first place from the times of Mo-ham-mad. Go to YouTube and in search column type "john alembillah azumah" and listen.

15 years ago @ Loganswarning - US: Dr. Mohammed Alhat... · 0 replies · +3 points

Isn't it amazing how these muslims like Dogtor,Mo-ham-mad Alhatou think that we non muslims(infidels) are stupid and don't know any thing about Islam. They forget that it is so easy to find information about Islam or for any thing else now days. see

15 years ago @ Loganswarning - The Islamic Republic o... · 0 replies · +1 points

Robin Shadowes, If you think that this is some thing new,it is not.Muslims have been abducting Hindu and Sikh young women and girls for centuries back in India. They either sold them to older men and very young girls were sold into becoming prostitutes. You would be surprised that to this day these thing are happening in India ,Pakistan and Afghanistan too.Girls as far from Nepal and India's far eastern states are loured or abducted to be sold in big cities mostly muslims do such things Even here some English women and girls are groomed and then converted to Islam. Islam is evil.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - EU, United Nations and... · 0 replies · +1 points

ToGloryWeSteer, ", the last thing we need is Turkey joining the EU." The day EU let Turkey join ,it will be the end of Eurpean's culture and the way of life. Doom's day for EU. Wake up people.!!!

15 years ago @ Loganswarning - CAIR to Target 1 Milli... · 0 replies · +2 points

Ann-Marie, "Suddenly they became the locusts of the Western World" True, not only of the Western World but Far East and Sub-Continent,They breed like rats.

15 years ago @ Big Government - The Incredible Shrinki... · 0 replies · +1 points

I could trust a cobra but never,never,never a Muslim, Wake up America.