


61 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ EPA Abuse - Braindead Chicago stud... · 2 replies · +7 points

I have no idea what they just said. Some of them used big words that meant nothing. You could tell these kids were trying to retrieve from memory the well practiced speeches of the Bill Ayers drones they had been listening to. If you send your kids to one of these schools you better brain wash them before they get there otherwise they will become part of the Borg.

11 years ago @ MilitaryAdvantage.Mili... - Avoiding the 'Fiscal C... · 2 replies · +2 points

You notice that they didn't tell everybody this until AFTER the election? I'd like to know how many military votes actually made it to be counted?

11 years ago @ EPA Abuse - Analyst: Obama Will Go... · 3 replies · +35 points

The media needs to embed themselves in the neighborhoods of coal miners in southern Ohio and West Virginia and broadcasting on the news the havoc obama is causing down there.

11 years ago @ EPA Abuse - November surprise: EPA... · 0 replies · +7 points

All those dumb bunnies that voted for obama will wake up when their electric bill quadruples. Or maybe not. obummer will probably have some freebies set up for you if you are a minority or illegal.

12 years ago @ American Vision News - Romney disappointed th... · 2 replies · +1 points

Lets see....$50million (Ron Paul) against Obummers $1 BILLION dollars? Get real if you think Ron Paul can win.

12 years ago @ American Vision News - Thomas Sowell: "Does a... · 0 replies · +5 points

The other day I had to fill out a medical form and they wanted me to check my ethnicity. Ethnicity? Really? There was a long list of combinations of people's heritages. Since none of them described my heritage I put in big letters, White, English, American. You see my folks came over here in 1642 on a ship from England. One of them was in the old House of Burgesses. They fought and scraped their way here to make something of themselves. No handouts. No inheritances. Just hard work. Much of the original money was donated to the local library. There is a long line of men in my family who fought and died to protect this country before during and after the Declaration of Independence. But now I can't say that the country is being destroyed piece by piece because I can't offend the destroyer because he is black. They will call me a racist. I am not. Since looking at this form I am convinced that I am now in the minority. The test is... how will I respond to that fact?

12 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - Trimming Taxpayers: $3... · 0 replies · +5 points

Why do those barbers make so much money? Do they have top secret clearances? Do they advice Members of the House on policy? Are they union jobs? If so, that explains it. Big thug hands in the pockets of the little guys.

12 years ago @ American Vision News - Liberty University stu... · 0 replies · +1 points

Just think about this. You will have the freedom of religion under Romney. You will not under Obama. His leftist socialist mandates are already attacking Catholics and conservative Christians. Who's next?

12 years ago @ American Vision News - Obama campaign website... · 3 replies · +51 points

The race card is the only card he has to play. Very sad. His own "people" are being dragged down the "pity" hole. He has nothing else to offer.

12 years ago @ EPA Abuse - EPA Enacts Obama’s D... · 0 replies · +1 points

..and people said Glenn Beck was crazy...this is exactly the type of stuff he warned us about except he did it years ago...he told us this was coming. I think I am going to start taking picture of the miners or what's left of them down by the Ohio West Virginia border where mines are closing, families are losing their jobs, and kids are walking around hungry with no shoes. We don't have to do to Africa to see poverty. Obama is creating it right here. Where's the media?