49p80 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0
10 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Parallelogramps · 0 replies · +1 points
10 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - How Many Lights Do You... · 0 replies · +2 points
11 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Parallelogramps · 0 replies · +1 points
11 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - If You Leave Me Now · 0 replies · 0 points
11 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Guest Comic By Lar deS... · 2 replies · +1 points
I hate flying so much I recently drove 4000 km to go to a wedding rather than fly. The blood wolves will not get me, dammit!
11 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Gubernatorial · 2 replies · +1 points
I guess it's just one of those shows that I was really looking forward to, and now resent because it let me down. I remember watching that scene where the guy (whose name I can't remember, sorry) drives the car with the screaming alarm right into their camp, after it had been established earlier in the episode that zombies are attracted to noise, and no one seems to be concerned, and I thought, "These people are so stupid, I really kind of hope they all get eaten."
Also, I really love seeing cartoon Joel get upset about the finale. Even people who love The Walking Dead seem to constantly complain about how disappointing it is. Why would you put yourself through that willingly? :D
11 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Gubernatorial · 2 replies · +1 points
Now, a Parks and Rec zombie show - that would be amaze-balls.
12 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Method Man · 0 replies · +4 points
12 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Parallelogramps · 2 replies · +1 points
I think I stayed away from Fringe simply because it was on Fox and all they do is break your heart. But now that it's done and I hear from you that the ending was satisfying, that'll be my next nerdy show. Thanks for your thoughts on that, they are appreciated!
12 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - White Light, White Hea... · 0 replies · +4 points
Now, that said, this movie is not "historical" and should not be taken that way, and anyone who does is just dumb. Movie makers are not in any way obliged to teach Americans their history, and I'm sick of hearing people rant and rave that the movie isn't "historically accurate". Of course it isn't; it's a Tarantino blood-bath, not a documentary!