


46 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - In the Green Room: Sen... · 0 replies · +3 points

The problem is that wind is variable, thus requiring a gas plant of equal size to provide power when the wind is down. Billions must then be spent on electric lines to take the variable and unpredictable wind power to the consumer. I suppose that it will be someday practical but it is not right now. When you spend more energy to produce and to distributeTthe power, something is wrong with the picture.

12 years ago @ - World Bank proposes gl... · 1 reply · +3 points

No, not book learn'in, but undocumented speculation that has proven false in the past.

12 years ago @ - World Bank proposes gl... · 3 replies · +16 points

The point is that we don't believe this kind of "report". There have been too many falsehoods in the past. We certainly don't need to be chipping into "save the oceans" since the money will end up in someone's pockets. This is just a scam to get in on some of our country's previous prosperity.

12 years ago @ - Obama makes bold reele... · 0 replies · -42 points

If he were reelected he would have five years if you count the current year. While I hope not, it wouldn't surprise me.

12 years ago @ - WHO calls for stepped-... · 0 replies · +2 points

When the i[[egals sneak into the country, they arrive without benefit of the health exams required of legal immigrants. They are bringing leprosy, tb, malaria, dengue fever with them to name a few. Anyone who still thinks that e-coli outbreaks are caused by wild animals, needs to think about that. These outbreaks are probably caused by i[[egal pickers who have no knowledge of proper sanitation.

12 years ago @ - Merkel taking Europe i... · 1 reply · +68 points

He probably wants to sell something short and she is in his way. I wish our POTUS did not listen to him so much. He is an evil man.

12 years ago @ - Pelosi: 'Sad' People A... · 0 replies · +2 points

Religious freedom is not an "excuse" it is a right.

12 years ago @ - Pelosi: 'Sad' People A... · 0 replies · +1 points

They are going after a Republican today for the same thing. Be interesting to see if any Dems are investigated.

12 years ago @ - Pelosi: 'Sad' People A... · 0 replies · +1 points

I would not call him a good man of any religious persuasion.

12 years ago @ - Pelosi: 'Sad' People A... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, but they are trying to prevent others from having abortions.