


240 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - God\'s work can be see... · 0 replies · +10 points


(That's the sound of my brain imploding under the weight of the stupid in that letter)

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - God\'s work can be see... · 0 replies · +2 points

Clough Castle

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - YO Sushi! on course fo... · 0 replies · +5 points

Yo Yo Ma is not Japanese.


10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Growing old is nothing... · 0 replies · 0 points

Get out of the way grandad!!

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - SDLP neglecting family... · 1 reply · +16 points

I would like to see some peer reviewed empirical evidence for these claims. Anecdotal evidence and throwaway hearsay is not enough.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Kelly Gallagher: Inter... · 0 replies · +3 points

As inspiring as our beloved Mary Peters.

Arise Dame Kelly!

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Poots showing good sen... · 0 replies · +28 points

So 42% of new cases were heterosexual. That's no small minority - perhaps we should ban blood donations from straight people as well, just to be on the safe side...

Also - only 20% of those who voted in the 2010 assembly elections in Lagan Valley voted for Poots...approximately 0.4% of the population of Northern Ireland.

Statistics...such fun, eh?

11 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Gay marriage support w... · 0 replies · +4 points

Great post.

11 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Frank Carson led a ric... · 0 replies · +3 points

A lovely tribute. Spot on.

11 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Gay lobby sets out to ... · 0 replies · +12 points

Yes, that makes perfect sense - a tolerant world should allow all sorts of bigotry and irrationality to go unchecked.

So you can criticise homosexual people, and others can criticise black people - a tolerant world that gives the Ku Klux Klan a free pass is a great thing, right? What about those horrible Jewish people as well - what if somebody calls for them all to be wiped out? We have to tolerate it, right? I mean we wouldn't want to villify those whose point of view differs from us, yes?

Grow up.