26p15 comments posted · 26 followers · following 0
10 years ago @ Hooniverse - Mystery Car · 1 reply · +1 points
10 years ago @ Hooniverse - The Tata Nano Debacle · 0 replies · +1 points
I'll contend, however, that it was not a purely logical experience. There's an emotional satisfaction I gained from living with it. I did the mature thing, and I can (and do at times) wear that as a bit of a badge of honor.
We are emotional creatures, very, very few if, any, of the things we do are devoid of emotion.
10 years ago @ Hooniverse - The Tata Nano Debacle · 0 replies · +1 points
In the automotive I'm not sure any company has really gotten this like Saturn did in the early days. In a few short years they had such a loyal following that they were travelling to Tennessee for "homecomings". There are plenty of car companies doing a good job of cultivating a brand image and plenty of performance models have loyal fans, but I'm not sure anyone has yet built a family like following like Saturn did. And they did it not with a superior product, but with a quirky, but generally mediocre, economy car.
On the Model T, I think one difference here is that it was competing against the horse and buggy. In most measurable ways the T was clearly superior - faster, more endurance, no mind of its own, etc. Not only that, but simply by having a car you were showing that you had means and you were sophisticated, even if it was a Model T.
The Nano competes with other, pretty efficient means of transportation. You could have a motorcycle or scooter, there are buses and taxis and I'm sure there are nicer, used cars available. Very basic and cheap but new is a hard sell against more upscale but used for similar money.
The Beetle is an interesting case, however. I think they got that selling rationality and low price was a loosing proposition. So instead they made it the smart choice. Yeah, it happens to be cheaper, but look, it's a better car in all these ways. Plus it's cute. Now, instead of the guy who can't afford anything else, you're the smart guy who picked the better, inexpensive car.
10 years ago @ Hooniverse - Last Call- Orange You ... · 0 replies · +1 points
10 years ago @ Hooniverse - Last Call- Orange You ... · 0 replies · +2 points
10 years ago @ Hooniverse - Last Call- Orange You ... · 2 replies · +3 points
Oh, and I've only made 8 total comments. LOL, sure, this week maybe.
10 years ago @ Hooniverse - Hooniverse Asks- What'... · 0 replies · +1 points
10 years ago @ Hooniverse - Hooniverse Asks- What'... · 1 reply · +1 points
Even with the tool, I had one heck of a time getting the pulley off. I ended up wedging the tool against the frame, putting a breaker bar on the crank pulley nut and using my floor jack under the breaker bar handle. The van lifted off the jack stand almost an inch and I got nervous and was about to give up when it broke loose and settled back down on the stand.
10 years ago @ Hooniverse - CraigsList: The nicest... · 0 replies · +1 points
This is a nice clean wagon but that's too much money.
10 years ago @ Hooniverse - Hooniverse Asks- What'... · 5 replies · +1 points