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15 years ago @ Ezra Pound Cake - Sausage Balls. The cul... · 0 replies · +1 points

ok, so I made these up for my Martini Party this past weekend. I only made the single batch, which for me yielded 50 sausage balls. I figured that was good, because not EVERYONE is a fan of sausage. well, they were GONE so fast it's like people had never eaten! I actually heard my sister-in-law say to my friend 'did you really just eat the LAST sausage ball????' i thought there may be bloodshed. luckily noone was harmed. whew.
so they were a total hit, and i loved them. and will be making them again, just because. I was a little weirded out about the whole no liquid ingredients, but the grease from the sausage and the cheese def bound everything together nicely. Since i was short on time, I skipped the food processor step and everything still turned out great. So thank you for this recipe. and they go great with green apple, blue bikini, sidecar & cosmo martinis!

15 years ago @ Ezra Pound Cake - Sausage Balls. The cul... · 0 replies · +1 points

OMG these sound good, and CHEAP!!! I am having a martini party this saturday, and was going to make my usual of sweet n sour meatballs, but I think i'll be making these instead. They will save me money, are different, and sound delicious. plus, they are hearty so the ladies will have something in their bellies that will soak up all that martini goodness! Thanks for this recipe, and as always your fabulous stories!

15 years ago @ Ezra Pound Cake - Marshmallow 101 · 3 replies · +1 points

this step by step instruction is awesome. Thank you so much for posting this! AND it doesn't look as complicated as some of the other recipes i've seen for homemade marshmallows have been. I plan on making these for Christmas Morning to replace my normal pot of coffee. I'm making hot chocolate from scratch, and topping it with these beauties.
I even made myself a PowerPoint presentation so I could do it seamlessly. Thanks again for this. can't wait to try them!

15 years ago @ Ezra Pound Cake - Savory Palmiers. The R... · 0 replies · +1 points

first off, I love the Megan Fox comments. she's like a shiny package you find at the salvation army, only to get it home and realize you should have left it wrapped up on the shelf. eek.
Now, I made peppermint palmiers one year for christmas....holy crap were they a TON of work. however, everything was made from scratch and involved alot of make one step, wait to cool, step 2, wait to cool. you get the point. this recipe is a great addition, especially since I usually end up with leftover puff pastry and we all know every household has leftovers!
Can't wait to see what my fridge holds in order to make these. I know i've got some spinach, bacon & feta at home....and mabe some chicken breast. yummo.

15 years ago @ Ezra Pound Cake - Meatless Monday!: Roas... · 0 replies · +1 points

I LOVE leeks! I'm so glad you posted a soup recipe using them. Since it is soup season, I make a from scratch soup every Sunday that lasts us usually until Wednesday and we have that for dinner with some salad and homemade bread. Thanks for this post, I will be making it this Sunday!

15 years ago @ Ezra Pound Cake - Fall Wine and Cheese T... · 0 replies · +1 points

the way I slow down in the fall is with a glass of wine from the local winery I got married at, some cheese, crackers, and warm dips while sitting in front of a crackling fire with my husband and little dog Diesel, staring out our floor to ceiling windows at the beauty of the trees and creek behind our house.
another way I slow down and soak it all up is to go for walks in the park, or meet a girlfriend for lunch on a bright Saturday afternoon. It def helps me to appreciate everything more when I take some time to absorb the beauty of the changing season.