Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman


72 comments posted · 2 followers · following 3

13 years ago @ Internet Cases - Blogging ex-wife gets ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for adding the "Follow Me" button on the left. It made it easy for me to follow you. Where did you get it?

13 years ago @ - Calvin Klein’s r... · 0 replies · 0 points

Of course they meant it. My guess a large number of people (straight men, lesbians) were thinking that before the more subliminal aspects could kick in.

In other news, water is wet.

14 years ago @ Writing on a VTX - Lent and Advent have t... · 0 replies · +1 points

This could be something interesting to follow from the Seersucker Seminarian:

Here is his collect for Ash Wednesday, based on the readings for the day:

Merciful God, who had pity on the Ninevites: keep our heads lifted, knees strong, and feet straight in the paths you have set for us as we lay aside every weight and sin that clings to us during this time of penitence, preparation and discipline; remind us of the fruit of righteousness that it yields, that at the end of this forty days we may be prepared to celebrate the Resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ from the dead; through that same Christ, who lives with you and the Holy Spirit in unity throughout all time. Amen.

My recent post Lent and Advent have the best music

14 years ago @ Writing on a VTX - Engage the culture, ch... · 0 replies · +1 points

The administration at SPU has done more than blinked.

This is a major turnaround in less than a month.

My recent post Lent and Advent have the best music

14 years ago @ Writing on a VTX - Follow Ronald Reagan�... · 0 replies · +1 points

Also read this: "10 Things Conservatives Don’t Want You To Know About Ronald Reagan"

14 years ago @ Writing on a VTX - Now I lay me down to s... · 0 replies · +1 points

See information about the funeral:

14 years ago @ Rethink Monthly - Reinvigorating the Ex-... · 0 replies · +1 points

Is it possible, Bo, that you called to a different order of ministry, something you sense in your being? You just aren't called to be a pastor (at this time). If so, you are not the only person in this position.

14 years ago @ Rethink Monthly - Reinvigorating the Ex-... · 0 replies · +1 points

Then there is another view. It involves calling and orders of ministry. For Protestants, it usually gets caught up in a misunderstanding of the use of the word "priest" by some denominations. When called and ordained to be a priest (presbyter), the church recognizes a level of spiritual authority in the person ordained. But, that ordination is not license. To act as a pastor in a congregation, license must be granted.

Also, not all priests (presbyters) are pastors, or at least not only pastors. Some are teachers. Some are lawyers ( ). Some are politicians ( ). One was a weatherman ( ). With the exception of Fr. Moore (who is also a vicar in the Diocese of Olympia), the specific examples I linked to were not in the normal day-to-day of parish ministry, although all have (had for Wappler) authority that I do not have has a layperson. Note that the article said Wappler presided at weddings for station staff members.