


9 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Pink - Supernatural: Two and ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great to see you again, Syl! I loved this episode for many reasons. I wholeheartedly agree that Dean already WAS a father, and mother, to Sam, beginning when he was four years old. I pointed that out in my review over at As far as Sam's odd behavior is concerned, I've put it down to a super case of PTSD. The poor man went to hell INSIDE Lucifer, and he's refused to discuss it with Dean at all. Something tells me that Sam has created a shell around himself, locking his emotions tightly inside. If he allows them freedom, he'll probably suffer the world's biggest breakdown. Knowing that being around Dean might be the only trigger to unleashing those feelings, and how damaging they might be to both him AND his brother, Sam decided it would be best to keep away from Dean. Only the appearance of the Djinn forced his hand and made him reveal to Dean that he was alive. I'm not saying that Sam also wanted to preserve Dean's life with Lisa and Ben, but that was only part of the reason he kept mum about having returned.

At first, I was also angry at Sam for not telling Dean he had come back from hell, but I know how much Sam loves his brother, and, knowing that, I knew there had to be a very compelling reason for his not telling him. I also suspect Bobby knows the truth.


14 years ago @ Pink - Supernatural: Point of... · 2 replies · +1 points

Phenomenal episode, and your review matched perfectly, Syl. Your comment about a governess made me think about Victoria Winters in DARK SHADOWS, weird flashback, huh?

Sorry, though, Syl, but Bobby's pulling out the gun and bullet and reminding Dean that he had promised him he wouldn't give up made me cry. I just burst into tears. I think Jim Beaver is a wonderful actor and I wish you felt the same. Bobby is wonderful, and while he will never be a father to the brothers, he's a father-uncle figure. I accept that and love Bobby for it.

As for Castiel, did you notice that Dean just LET the angel beat him up? Didn't even put up a hand to defend himself? He felt he deserved Cas' beating and took it, even wanted Cas to finish him off, it seemed. But Cas couldn't do it. He loves Dean, in his own angelic way, and the feeling is returned. Castiel is just really disappointed that Dean, his hero, is backing out on Team Free Will.

Sam was the hero of this episode, and he stepped up to the plate with magnificence. God, I was proud of him! He stayed calm, cool, and even when Dean hurt him about as badly as he possibly could, he didn't hit him or run off in anger, he stuck around, showed his faith in his big brother and Dean came through! I was jumping up and down, screaming, crying, acting like a complete loon when Dean stuck that knife into Zachariah! I'll miss the bad old angel, though, he sure provided all the best lines and comic relief in this ep! I guess the baddie now is going to be the Big Bad--Lucifer!

The final scene in the car, right after Dean made his speech about how Sam's faith in him as a big brother ignited Dean's faith, there was this cool music riff, drums, maybe. Sam is smiling, agreeing that they're going to do it their way.

It was a perfect 100th episode as far as I'm concerned. The brothers talked and HEARD each other, Cas made what appears to be a huge sacrifice (but I'm sure we'll see him again), Adam will probably be seen again, but under what circumstances, Bobby is hanging in there, and Sam and Dean are solidly back as a team, shaky, maybe, but determined to go in with free will intact!


Robin Vogel, Editor, SUPERNATURAL,

14 years ago @ Pink - Supernatural: Dead Men... · 1 reply · +1 points

Bobby tried hard to keep in touch with Sam after Dean's death. He buried Dean along with Sam. I'm sure he tried to keep in touch, just as he did in "Mystery Spot." No one will ever convince me that Bobby doesn't care just as much for Sam as he does Dean, but Sam isn't as forthcoming with Bobby the same way Dean is. Sam took off right away, wouldn't allow Bobby in after Dean's death. Love, Robin

14 years ago @ Pink - Supernatural: Dead Men... · 4 replies · +1 points

If I were to give you a mathematical figure, I'd say it's more like 70% Dean, 30% Sam, but that's strictly from my own observations.


14 years ago @ Pink - Supernatural: Dead Men... · 2 replies · +1 points

I would never, ever say that the relationship between Dean and Sam isn't the core of SUPERNATURAL, and, indeed, the main reason I love this show so much. I believe it is their love for each other that is going to tell heaven, hell, demons and angels alike to go screw themselves, ultimately, because that love is so strong, it will surely conquer all evil. Sam and Dean don't need anyone but each other, but it kills me to see them struggling so hard, together and apart, when I know how much Bobby cares for them and would undoubtedly give his life for them. The same goes for Castiel. The sad thing is, the Winchester brothers will probably end up completely alone in this war.

I guess we'll wait and see. I'm going to cry a lot when/if Bobby dies. I cried when Jo and Ellen died, too. I know this is a show about the Winchester brothers, but I've come to love a lot of the folks who loved them.


14 years ago @ Pink - Supernatural: Dead Men... · 18 replies · +1 points

Ah, Syl! I love Bobby, always have, always will. I don't resent this episode being about him, not one bit. As for Dean always coming across as the hero and Sam coming in second, most fans are Dean fans, and that's the answer to your question. This hasn't been about Sam for a long time now, and never will be again. I am an EEO gal when it comes to the brothers, but even I can see how the story has switched over to being more Dean-centric since season 4 started.

Back to Bobby. I loved him and his angst and how protective the brothers were about him. He and Dean have always been closer, so it seemed appropriate for Dean to be the one to watch over him while Sam took care of everyone else. I cried when Sam killed Jody's little boy, but it was because I felt sorry for HER. She did an excellent job of portraying a strong woman who lost not only her son (for the second time), but, because she hadn't listened to Dean in the first place, her husband, too. I cried when Karen warned Bobby that she was turning, because, clearly, she wasn't like the other zombies who turned and just ate whatever loved one was closest. She gave Bobby enough time to put a bullet in her head, because, let's face it, he could have just sat there, watched her turn, and allowed her to devour him. It would have solved all his problems, wouldn't it? If he were dead, he wouldn't have to worry about the Winchesters any longer.

Other folks have complained that Sam and Bobby aren't really that close, so why is Bobby standing in the way of Sam saying yes to Lucifer? I'll tell you why--because Bobby is both brothers' safe haven. He's their uncle/father figure, whatever you want to call him. He's there for advice, solace, FBI backup (except this once, which was hysterical), attachment to John. They need him; he needs them, if for nothing else, a human connection. Without Bobby, who do the Winchesters have left? No one. Each other. And I suspect their enemies will do all they can to sever that, too, and brutally. So, Syl, I wouldn't be so quick to wish Bobby gone, whether by death or just walking away from the brothers. He's all they have.

If you're interested, please check out MY review of this episode at:

Feel free to make comments!

Love, Robin

Syl, you just don't like Bobby, and want him to die. I don't. I found this episode to be both funny and tragic, like a really good Shakespearean play.

14 years ago @ Pink - Supernatural: Swap Meat · 0 replies · +1 points

Marvelous review, Syl! I think that, at this point, Sam has NO idea what lies in his future, so contemplating anything so mundane as a wife, kids and home is beyond him. He knew normal for the four years at Stanford and that was burned to ashes on the ceiling with Jess; before and after that, he was a hunter, for better or worse. It's so sad that he and Dean never saw themselves as anything else, and how ironic that Dean is NOW yearning for a normal family life, with the apocalypse looming over them.

While I felt "Swap Meat" took too long for Dean to catch on to Sam's OOC behavior, I enjoyed so many aspects of the episode. The first scene had me rolling. "The sex"? There have already been a slew of fan fic stories written about Sam's discovery of mysterious welts on his butt. Very funny stuff, too! I just wondered why Gary never even mentioned how his "first" experience went. I was curious!

Jared is an excellent comic actor! He had me laughing in his role so many times! When he was talking to Gary's sister, at the breakfast table with the parents, the way he wangled the locker combo out of the friends. "I'm still drunk!" So good!

Who winced when the Impala smashed into the garbage cans? I did! I wanted to examine it for dents or scratches!

I felt sorry for Dean and how eagerly he talked to Gary-who-so-obviously-wasn't-Sam. He liked this strange person who enjoyed his company, took pleasure in a fourth-rate hunt, ate greasy food, drank what he drank, knew exactly where the witch was buried, etc. As for Gary, he grew to like and respect Dean, so much so, he wasn't able to kill him. I don't think he would have, even if Dean hadn't stopped him.

You're right about Trevor--what are his parents going to say about their dead son? Unless the demons took the body, cleaned up the blood and it will appear Trevor just ran away? Who knows? Perhaps they cover their own tracks in cases like this? Sometimes we just have to go with the flow, suspend disbelief, you get the drill. This is TV, not real life, although in all honesty, real life has gotten pretty wonky lately.

I also think part of the reason Dean might not have recognized Sam right away has to do with their recent incarceration. With both experiencing hallucinations, who knows what after-effects might be in place? Or what they THINK might be in place? Dean might have been chalking it up to PTSD.

Love, Robin
also writing at Winchester Family Business

14 years ago @ Pink - Supernatural: Sam, Int... · 1 reply · +1 points

So good to see you posting, Syl, missed these very much! I agree with you that the boys had the run of the institution in ways that would only be acceptable in a TV show! I mentioned that in my review at, a shameless plug for my own SUPERNATURAL web site.

Otherwise, I thought this episode had a lot going for it. I felt Dean's "self-appointed therapist" both fascinating and creepy, especially the way she first championed him, then treated him as a demon would. Dean never lets himself off the hook, just the way Sam is always giving himself hell for allowing Lucifer to escape. The fact that they didn't realize what they were doing seems besides the point, and besides, it's DONE, now they have to FIX it, so get over it already! I'm ready for the brothers to mend their relationship and go get Lucifer!

Now, sweetie, I must make mention of the dozens of times you speak of how gorgeous the two actors looked in this episode. You really do go on and on about it. Not that I'm criticizing you, not in the least! I agree with you a thousand percent; both of them are WAY too good-looking, and the lighting guys seem to accentuate that in ways that just make me perpetually horny. It just isn't fair. How can I write my reviews of the show for moogi or Winchester Family Business when looking at Jared's gorgeous dimples or cheekbones, or at Jensen's intense green eyes or wondrously chiseled chin?


Great review, Syl.

Love, Robin

14 years ago @ EclipseMagazine - TV Recap: Curiously En... · 0 replies · +1 points

I am so happy that someone wrote a mostly positive review for this episode, which I enjoyed immensely. I loved the suspense of the poker game between Patrick and Sam, and the quick cuts after OldDean had his heart attack. While I didn't feel much chemistry between Sam and Chad Everett as OldDean I loved the old man banter between Bobby, OldDean and Sam. There were some hilarious moments! Watching poor OldDean trying to play the sexy stud with the maid was so funny. I also howled when Dean and Sam interrupted Cliff (a little shout-out to their bodyguard?) at the house of ill repute with the two lovely Asian girls. Of course Dean called it classy; he's the one with the subscription to BUSTY ASIAN BEAUTIES, right?

We have 17 more episodes to go to tune into the apocalypse, and we will, of that you can be sure. Kripke likes to keep us guessing, wondering, annoying us. It's his modus operandi. I think we're going to be delving into the apocalypse next week, even if it does look like a total hoot storyline. Who can forget how funny the first 30 minutes of "Mystery Spot" were, but how upsetting and sad the last half was? Kripke has a way of making viewers feel like humans after demons have ridden them for a long time--"rode hard and put away wet."

So strap in, people. Hold on tight. The apocalypse WILL be back. By the time it is, you'll be SCREAMING for this episode with its mild-mannered villain, Patrick (who I adored, by the way, because he was multi-layered and interrupted poker to have sex with Lia). You will be sorry you ever made your wish. I know the way Krip works after four years. He will rip out our hearts!

Love, Robin
Episode 5.7 up now for your viewing pleasure