


72 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ KTLA-TV - Family of 5 Homeless A... · 0 replies · +12 points

I just watched this KTLA and wanted to help. Where are the links to so please?

12 years ago @ KTLA-TV - Joint Task Force Annou... · 0 replies · +2 points

After reading your comment Joe, I realized that you must be an idiot.

12 years ago @ KTLA-TV - Christopher Dorner's M... · 0 replies · +23 points

Did you actually read his manifesto?

12 years ago @ KTLA-TV - Christopher Dorner's M... · 15 replies · +302 points

How does one "clear their name" by killing two innocent people?

13 years ago @ - Paul Claims Victory Fo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Actually, I don't think 'kid gloves' is correct. It's more like they don't want him to win, so they "like to ignore him".

But the ignoring strategy has become problematic for the MSM because Paul is getting a significant number of votes. And the 'ignore strategy' appears to be backfiring on them. Every time I hear one of these pundits say that "Paul is not electable", I have a simple idea:

Let the voters decide.

13 years ago @ - Occupy hecklers drown ... · 1 reply · +35 points

Answer: The Second Amendment, which we've had since our founding, 235 years ago. That means American Patriots have a lot of weapons.

13 years ago @ - Occupy hecklers drown ... · 10 replies · +143 points

If you think these Occupoo protesters are bad now, just imagine what they're going to be like the day after Obama loses the election. They're going to be 'fit to be tied'.

Once all of the children (liberals) are removed from office after the upcoming November elections, the adults can come in take charge. With that in mine, all I can say to Occupoo protesters is "just wait until your dad gets home" .

13 years ago @ - N.Korea warns against ... · 2 replies · +43 points

Fcuk North Korea. Add a million more lights plus start blaring Christmas music as well.

13 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - Obama Couldn't Wait: H... · 0 replies · +2 points

New name for Obama: Scrooge.

13 years ago @ - 400 dead, 2,000 wounde... · 0 replies · +1 points

Meanwhile, our fearless leader wonders if the hurricane bearing down the east coast will effect his golf game tomorrow. Of course, if it does, there's always shopping with Michelle and the kids, plus some ice cream later on. Ooo wee! And then, he can get help from some of his rich type buddies on the island with the 'term paper on 'jobs' he's 'stuck' having to write. And to make matters worse, it's due to the American people after labor day. But then, that's a week away, time for him to relax, not too much happening. Besides, he won't actually mean anything he says in his speech because most of America will tune him out. They've concluded that they were hoodwinked.

We never got to see his grades from college, but I guess it doesn't matter now because he's getting only D's and F's as president.