


23 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Vision to America - Video Proof Dead Peopl... · 1 reply · +98 points

ID should be required to vote, to drive a car, to board a plane to have on your person at all times. The work of O'Keefe should be applauded. This shoot the messenger logic is ridiculous. He should be awarded a Congressional Medal of Honor and a statue should be erected in Washington for his exposing of the rampant fraud which our government is involved in.

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - EPA Fines Companies fo... · 3 replies · +17 points

Don't leave out Senators. 2 term max with no benefits above military Veterans Benefits. You give up 8 years to serve your country and then go back home. Or from what hole you climbed out of.

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Is it My 'Civic Duty' ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Lifetime government benefit maximums for all citizens of $100,000 for no high school graduation. $250,000 for high school graduates who pass a national exam at 70% comprehension level (basics reading, writing, math) - if you cheat you forfeit all government assistance. $350,000 maximum benefit for 2 -4 year degrees from acredited college program or job training group. No deficeit

13 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Should Congress Be a P... · 2 replies · +45 points

Congress and the Senate should be part time jobs and they should be paid minimum wage with Blue Cross/Blue Shield benefits. All investment assests should be placed in a asset management portfoilio and they should be allowed 4 reallocations per year. A moritorium of 10 years from having anything to do with lobbying or any company associated with government contracts. They would never run again for office and real American's could correct the decades of decay and ethically challenged legislation they have used to enhance only themselves and their reelection supporters.

13 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - U.S. Stocks Will Fall ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Indict Bernanke for printing money out of thin air and putting the debt on the backs on your children and grandchildren while
loaning money to "Investment Banks" that are "to big to fail" at 0% and then having the government borrow1/3rd of the same money back at 3% They take 1/3 of their "to bug to fail" bailout money and buy up stocks, contribute 1/3 back to the Obama reelection campaign. When that Ponsi scheme ends the market will drop more than 1/2 to 6,000 DJIA. They will try to place the blame on Europe and the media will go right along with it rather than identify the true theives. Then they will argue that capitalism has failed and that Bigger Government is the answer. Bigger government is the problem not the solution. This is in line with planning a crisis which the Democrats use as their justification for existence. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

13 years ago @ Godfather Politics - 1 Percenter Nancy Pelo... · 1 reply · +5 points

At least all Democrat's and the media. Also need to give the boot to McCain, Boehner, Graham, McConnell, Luger, Hatch and all the rest of the RINO's. 1 or 2 more Tea Party Freshman classes and America can get back on track.

13 years ago @ Godfather Politics - 1 Percenter Nancy Pelo... · 0 replies · +12 points

If "illegal" insider trading was "legal" for you and your family and friends as it is for the "elected in Washington" you could afford to stay at the Four Season's also.

13 years ago @ Vision to America - House, Senate make pay... · 0 replies · +1 points

They prove over and over again that they are no more than minor leaguers in combating the lies and distortions of the Liberal Democrats and have no clue how to take on the Main Street Media. The new Conservative Party will be lead by Sen. Marco Rubio who should immediately take over as Minority leader in the Senate. It is no wonder he will not consider running on a Republican ticket for that would be acceptance of the old line Republican doctrine which is retreat in the face of potential negative publicity. Any Republican who has been in office more than 10 years needs to face a primary challenger who represents true Conservative values and will fight for our values in saving our country from the destruction of inside the beltway politics.

13 years ago @ Vision to America - House, Senate make pay... · 0 replies · +1 points

The time has come to end all support of the Republican Party and its leadership. Vote Boehner and McConell out as leaders immediately. Rename us the Conservative Party and have a Conservative Ticket. The establishment Republican Party is committed to be a party of them minority and is only interested in doing what they can to keep themselves in office._Time to send McCain, Lindsey Graham and all of them packing. They ignore Bachmann and Santorium while showing distain and outright contempt for Gingrich. Stop all contributions to the RNC. They are disloyal to the Tea Party members who were responsible for their House majority which they have proven they cannot run effectively. Rename the Democratic Party the Liberal Party and we will be the Conservative Party. .

13 years ago @ Vision to America - House, Senate make pay... · 0 replies · +1 points

The time has come to end all support of the Republican Party and its leadership. Vote Boehner and McConell . Why is it that if you say you will not suport Ron Paul it seems your comments due not get printed. Is Vision practicing censorship?