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8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Watch: Trump Just Resp... · 1 reply · +4 points

I have never used TLDNR. I actually had to use google to find out what it meant!

8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Watch: Trump Just Resp... · 1 reply · +7 points

So he led him to lose, like a little minion or a pawn in his cosmic grand plan.
Not only that because god always knew he would lose he mislead him and he had no choice but to run and lose.

If you need something to plan your life for you, you are a weak and ultimately fruitless individual.

8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Watch: Trump Just Resp... · 66 replies · +9 points

Ummmm, didn't god specifically tell Ted to run for president? And now this? WTF??
There are only several possible explanations:
1) Ted fucking lied through his teeth (isn't lying supposed to be a sin, or something?) So we are fully entitled to ask, "What else has Ted lied about?"
2) Ted was hallucinating; he cannot tell the difference between reality and fantasy. In which case we are fully entitled to ask, "Is this *really* someone we want in *any* position of authority - let alone the *presidency*?"
3) God changed his mind - so much for their 'immortal unchanging all-knowing god'. In which case we are fully entitled to ask, "Why should anyone follow the directives of a deity who can change his mind at any moment about his decisions?"
4) God was just fucking with Ted. In which case we must ask, "Why should anyone take this god seriously?"

I can't think of any other options......

BTW - Shouldn't he have to carry his unviable campaign to term...??

8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Watch: Trump Just Resp... · 41 replies · +1 points

What teahings of Jesus do you follow to make unfounded remarks about a woman's genetalia and how it smells? Or her weight or her appearance or her sexual identity or...... i could go on

8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Watch: Trump Just Resp... · 1 reply · +1 points

So you cant
Ive condemed Stalin can you show where you have condemed Hitler?
You have never once stated you think Hitler was wrong
Why is that

8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Watch: Trump Just Resp... · 5 replies · +4 points

All of them
Prove otherwise

8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Watch: Trump Just Resp... · 7 replies · +3 points

All of them see above
You cant show 1 example of anything to the contrary

8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Watch: Trump Just Resp... · 45 replies · +1 points

Show where humanistic teachings drove Stalin to do what he did?

Any more satan loving giants building things near you?

8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Watch: Trump Just Resp... · 11 replies · +4 points

All of them - show where i said otherwise

8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Watch: Trump Just Resp... · 49 replies · +2 points

And Hitler was a Christian just like you

I would have nothing to spew if it wasnt said in the first place. He claims giants built stone henge for satan!!!! Ha