


250 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Loyalists to stage Gir... · 0 replies · +21 points

If there is a sinkhole at Twaddle, Satan will be propping it up from below to make sure it doesn't collapse.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Gerry Adams arrest: Po... · 0 replies · +7 points

There's no toilet seat in Gerry's cell, and there is no evidence to convict him.

Neither Gerry nor the PSNI have anything to go on.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - UVF petrol bombers in ... · 1 reply · +11 points

They aren't silent, as they will all pay lip service, but you are right in that their response is the minimum that they can just about get away with.

In truth they would love to see Alliance destroyed, not just their offices; the idea of Loyalist areas not voting for Unionist parties is just too perplexing for them, it means they'll have to start engaging in politics, not just the shute they have peddled for the last decades.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Yob throws faeces at R... · 2 replies · +2 points

Photo Captions:
- Loyalists fighting a new turf war!
- Get this bum off the street!
- Things have got a-hole lot worse!

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Yob throws faeces at R... · 0 replies · +24 points

I hope someone makes a mural with a Red Hand filled with poo.
A new low for Loyalism!

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Stormont blocks gay ma... · 0 replies · +3 points

Dinosaurs vs Noah
Adam and Steve vs Adam and Eve
With DUP these manifested in the recent past as e.g.:
- Alternative theory of Giant's Causeway
- Iris Robinson forgivable vs Paul Berry unforgivable

On pondering this, I think my bone is with the OO rather than Christians generally, as they are a sect of Christians with their own set of poltico-religious rules that evolved to keep its followers in political power in this specific part of the world.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Stormont blocks gay ma... · 3 replies · +8 points

All of them.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Stormont blocks gay ma... · 0 replies · +11 points

Paul Berry (ex DUP).

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Stormont blocks gay ma... · 7 replies · +8 points

His point is that when you bring a Christian into the argument, you have to accept that cherry-picking will happen freely and with gay abandon. For the rest of us, we just get to argue with cold hard facts.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Twaddell organiser Ger... · 0 replies · +21 points

A very clear and concise revision of recent history, viewed through opaque orange spectacles.

It's a wish list of what parades organisers would like to be able to say but can't. - no paramilitary trappings, peaceful, engaged with local residents, well behaved bandsmen, themun's cost the taxpayers not us with our daily attempts at parading up the road. But fair play to Gerald for having the bare faced cheek to pass it off as fact anyway; the DUP would be proud to have him in their ranks. The UDA who he says "don't exist anymore" must count themselves extremely lucky when he "gives political analysis to the UDA".