


5 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

3 years ago @ http://www.information... - Fauci as Darth Vader o... · 0 replies · +1 points

I rest my case, ptoley.

3 years ago @ http://www.information... - Fauci as Darth Vader o... · 1 reply · +1 points

No, including b/s-c articles doesn't in any way enhance ICH any more than including the nazi perspective on the Holocaust would, ample disagreement or not.

3 years ago @ http://www.information... - Fauci as Darth Vader o... · 3 replies · +5 points

Also, I can't refer anyone to ICH because they get back to me and tell me there are some really bat-shit crazy articles on this site. I tell them that it's only 5-10% of the articles that are like that and that the other 90-95% are the things that you never see in the MSM - but it doesn't do any good. People who read only the MSM have their feelings - that these alternative news sites are just nuts - reinforced when they read articles like this one.

3 years ago @ http://www.information... - Fauci as Darth Vader o... · 8 replies · +6 points

This sort of crap is why I no longer donate to ICH after donating monthly for about 15 years. This is just pitiful BS.

13 years ago @ Information Clearing H... -   The Hijacked Cr... · 0 replies · +33 points

The bourgeoise, or the elite, the super rich - whatever you want to call them - have captured the political process in the US over the past 30-40 years. They regard all money/wealth as rightfully theirs and feel that any wages higher than starvation wages or any benefits at all (such as Social Security, unemployment insurance, Medicare, public education, etc.) is just taking bread out of their children's mouths. We are witnessing the final, full-frontal assault of the bourgeoise on the reforms of the New Deal through the 60's. The communists (the only ones who were willing and able to explain about the class struggle to working people) were eliminated from our society 55-65 years ago, resulting in a populace that, although it senses that something is wrong, doesn't even know that there is a class war on, much less that it is losing it.